Casimir effect from macroscopic quantum electrodynamics
Authors: T.G. 
(Submitted on 1 Mar 2011 (v1 <>), last
revised 9 Jun 2011 (this version, v3))

Abstract: The canonical quantization of macroscopic electromagnetism was
recently presented in New J. Phys. 12 (2010) 123008. This theory is here
used to derive the Casimir effect, by considering the special case of
thermal and zero-point fields. The stress-energy-momentum tensor of the
canonical theory follows from Noether's theorem, and its electromagnetic
part in thermal equilibrium gives the Casimir energy density and stress
tensor. The results hold for arbitrary inhomogeneous magnetodielectrics and
are obtained from a rigorous quantization of electromagnetism in
dispersive, dissipative media. Continuing doubts about the status of the
standard Lifshitz theory as a proper quantum treatment of Casimir forces do
not apply to the derivation given here. Moreover, the correct expressions
for the Casimir energy density and stress tensor inside media follow
automatically from the simple restriction to thermal equilibrium, without
the need for complicated thermodynamical or mechanical arguments.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Roarty, Francis X <> wrote:

>  Hi Ed,****
>                 I got lost trying to address everything so am just going
> to focus on this paragraph [snip] Just how the field can cause a force is
> difficult to explain. Photons obviously do not work as an explanation. Now
> you suggest that the force is related to gravity and inertia.  This seems
> to be an odd kind of force to invoke. Gravity passes right through ordinary
> matter yet, if it causes the Casimir force, it can apparently transfer
> momentum when a small gap is created. Inertia only occurs when the velocity
> of mass is changed. I see no connection between the behaviors.[/snip]****
> I feel your pain because the creation of a real photon is one of the
> possibilities that suppression of vacuum wavelengths can lead to as
> demonstrated by recent experiments with SQUIDS cited by Jones.. It can also
> lead to anomalous radioactive decay of gases exposed to the confinement.
> According to “Cavity 
> QED”<>by Zofia 
> Bialynicka-Birula it also breaks the isotropy of gravity meaning
> gas atoms will receive the changes in momentum as they pass between regions
> with different gravitational constants  - at the macro scale it would be
> like force fields we could step thru where gravity is different on each
> side.. the agitation we feel stepping between gravity fields is analogues
>  to DCE or catalytic action. The theory that space inside a Casimir cavity
> modifies gravity was first proposed by Di Fiore et all in a 2002 paper “Vacuum
> fluctuation force on a rigid Casimir cavity in a gravitational 
> field<>“.
> They proposed the possibility of verifying the equivalence principle for
> the zero-point energy of quantum electrodynamics, by evaluating the force,
> produced by vacuum fluctuations, acting on a rigid Casimir cavity in a weak
> gravitational field. Their calculations show a resulting force has opposite
> direction with respect to the gravitational acceleration. They stacked
> numerous cavities in an attempt to modify macro gravity but were unable to
> prove their claims.. My posit of a relativistic interpretation of Casimir
> force would agree that their experiment should have failed because
> “suppression” only “segregates” vacuum pressures and for every concentrated
> region in a cavity there will be an equal and opposite diluted region
> dispersed over the exterior area of the plates to balance out any bias from
> accumulating. The opportunity is there to expose physical matter such as
> gas atoms to these regions in a biased manner to accumulate effects but the
> cavities themselves will always balance out to zero.  My posit is that
> these vacuum wavelengts are electromagnetic but  traveling transverse to
> our 3D plane and thereby escape any Faraday caging, intersecting with all
> physical matter in our universe as if we were an ant farm or thin ribbon.
> When a 3d cavity is suppressed to near 2d these wavelengths can somewhat
> modify their angle of incidence to this “ribbon” in the same manner as an
> object with a velocity approaching C changes it’s angle of incidence in a
> Pythagorean relationship to C.****
> All the clues say these are relativistic effects but we are reluctant to
> embrace all that implies…****
> Regards****
> Fran  ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Edmund Storms []
> *Sent:* Monday, May 20, 2013 10:38 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Edmund Storms
> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Nickel Aluminum (NiAl)****
>  ** **
> Fran, I combined your two responses.****
> ** **
> As I understand, an attraction is measured between two materials, which is
> sensitive to the kind of material and the distance between them. That is
> the only observation on which this complex theory is based.  Chemical
> attraction is known to occur, but assumptions are made about how to
> subtract this force. ****
> ** **
> People assume that corrections have been properly made for the chemical
> force.  If no other explanation had been suggested, all of the force would
> have been attributed to chemical attraction. But, people want to assume
> that something exists in vacuum space that can be detected. So they assume
> some of this force is caused by this proposed energy field. ****
> ** **
> Just how the field can cause a force is difficult to explain. Photons
> obviously do not work as an explanation. Now you suggest that the force is
> related to gravity and inertia.  This seems to be an odd kind of force to
> invoke. Gravity passes right through ordinary matter yet, if it causes the
> Casimir force, it can apparently transfer momentum when a small gap is
> created. Inertia only occurs when the velocity of mass is changed. I see no
> connection between the behaviors.****
> ** **
> If the gap has a critical size, quantum interference is proposed to stop a
> flux of something, thereby creating an unbalanced force. But, the field
> does not interact with ordinary material, so how does the force become
> unbalanced such that it will interact with the atoms in the material?  In
> addition, if a flux of something is stopped, where does its energy go? If
> something is moving such that it can cause something else to move (create a
> force), then energy is involved in the process. This is a basic condition.
> When that motion is stopped, the energy must be converted to a different
> form. Something else must move, thereby creating heat, which is caused by
> random motion of atoms.  Hand-waving using the idea of quantum effects that
> are invisible and impossible for people to imagine seems like a copout to
> me.  Whatever happens at the quantum level and whatever its cause, the
> result later enters our non-quantum reality and has to be consistent with
> the laws we know operate in the normal reality. Conservation of energy is
> one of these basic laws. If energy exists in the vacuum and if this energy
> can be experienced in our reality, than the process must be consistent with
> the Law of Conservation of Energy. The energy lost by the source, i.e.
> vacuum, must be equal to the energy acquired by the material being studied.
>  So, a description of the Casimir effect must show exactly how this energy
> transfer occurs. Instead, the description seems to ramble, use obscure
> concepts, and gives no insight. This is worse than the descriptions of cold
> fusion. :-)****
> ** **
>  Fran, no gas atoms are present, as you incorrectly describe below. The
> Casimir effect is caused in vacuum.  Consequently, I have no idea what you
> are talking about and what rectifying energy means.  You are wandering off
> into totally confusing ideas and descriptions. You introduce behavior into
> the discussion that has no relationship to observation and is real only in
> your imagination, yet you state it as fact. Consequently, I have no idea
> how to respond.****
> ** **
> Ed****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> On May 19, 2013, at 7:51 PM, francis wrote:****
> ****
> Ed,****
>                I have been without pc all weekend but see that Mark and
> Jones made a far better response than I could have managed, someone made
> reference to the Haisch Rhueda paper on inertia which bears heavily on your
> questions about if this is normal  photon radiation … if they are correct
> than it is not photon radiation. We are talking about the same waveforms
> that are responsible for gravity and inertia and this is why there is no
> Farady shielding, everything is permeated at 90 degrees to the physical
> plane, these waveforms approach and depart from a nonphysical dimension
> like time winking into and out of existence only as they cross through the
> Present.   I suspect that HUP or jitter is just these virtual particles
> growing into then contracting out of our 3d ant farm plane and the random
> displacement of all physical matter from within the tiniest subatomic
> particles on up in response to these inter dimensional interlopers.
> According to Puthoff these virtual particles create a pressure that is
> responsible for the ground state of everything from quarks up to and beyond
> the periodic table, they form a sea or river, a medium that he believes can
> be engineered using Casimir geometry with other techniques to concentrate
> and extend this natural phenomenon we see commonly all around us in the
> form of colloids like mayonnaise or the stiction we see making it difficult
> to sort nanotubes.   My posit is that we are causing breaks in micro
> gravity..  cavity QED says the isotropy can be broken at this geometry
> where the inverse of Casimir boundary spacing cubed can trump the normal
> square law we experience as denizens of a gravity well in the macro world.
> When Jones mentioned dynamic Casimir effect in regards to recent evidence
> using transistor like device called SQUIDS they are effectively moving one
> of the Casimir boundaries  at luminal velocities. In these metal powders or
> skeletal cats the conjecture is that there are boundaries everywhere and of
> different sizes, a tapestry of different suppression values that the gas
> atoms are migrating through with the help of the “normally” unusable energy
> called gas motion….  ****
>  ****
> Fran****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Hi Ed,
> There is no heat generated by an empty cavity, it is only when gas atoms
> passing through this cavity environment react with the quantum effect of
> the walls and each other that anomalous energy is released. When Jones
> cited the importance of DCE it also underlined the importance for changes
> in casimir force to result in any net energy capture... Many people, myself
> included, are convinced that this translation between different geometries
> must be accomplished in an asymmetrical manner to rectify any energy..if
> atoms come in, translate to different geometries and then exit the NAE
> without any interactions / reactions there will be no energy release. In
> the MACRO world it would be silly to construct a device that performs half
> a cycle at no gravity and then lands on a planet to perform the other half
> cycle because you are doing the work with your ships propulsion system.
> OTOH in the NANO world we are suggesting a way to exploit HUP/gas motion to
> perform equivalent propulsion while exploiting gravity warps created by
> quantum effects /geometry. We don't have to wait for the slow square law of
> a gravity well to accomplish chain because this geometry trumps the square
> law and creates breaches in the isotropy that equate to sudden jumps in a
> particles position within the gravity well..or actually the gravity hill in
> this case as we outside the cavity represent the bottom of a well even if
> we were free floating in space. Supression allows us to warp space time
> negative relative to zero gravity. My point being we can create or self
> assemble a bulk powder device with conditions like my silly analogy of half
> cycles using a spaceship without supplying any propulsion energy..the
> reacting gas atoms only have to move between different breaks in the
> isotropy and that motion is supplied for free by HUP.
> ****
> ** **

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