On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

First Eric, looking for deuterium would automatically see an increase as
> well as a decrease. No additional effort is required.

You would be surprised what people will overlook if they're not expecting
it as a possibility -- for example, they could do a whole bunch of initial
trial runs and set them aside because they assumed something was wrong with
the experimental setup.

Second, what reaction do you propose would use up the very small amount of
> D2 in H2?

Perhaps Robin's hydrino reactions, or this one:

    N + p + d → Ni + fast 3He

(I know you don't think there are fast particles -- this is something I'm
still keeping tabs on and haven't convinced myself of yet.)


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