Andrew <> wrote:

> Rossi: The experimenters were free to use any test equipment of their
> choosing.
> Testers: That depends on Prof. Levi, who specifies the instrumentation.
> Yup, ethical as all get out.

This seems to be a straight out assertion that Levi is lying, and that he
is in cahoots with Rossi. If that is your opinion you should say so.

I think that borders on libel. I suggest you refrain from saying things
like that in this forum, unless you have some evidence. Rossi has done so
many odd things he makes anyone uncomfortable. It is hardly libelous to
point out that he is controversial and has been in trouble with the law.
But Levi has not done anything or said anything suspicious. You are saying,
in effect, that a professor is deliberately destroying his own reputation,
in a way that will certainly be discovered, with no possible benefit or
profit. This seems unlikely to me.

- Jed

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