Apparently Jones, I have to be clearer and more emphatic. Tritium can not be detected when it is in a container as massive as the E-cat. THIS IS A FACT. Please at least acknowledge that I might know something about tritium that you do not. The video only shows that some unknown amount of tritium mixed with unknown other radioactive elements was detected in an container of unknown absorption. You are extrapolating this demonstation to conditions that have no relevance to the demonstration.

I hope this is clear and we can go on to other subjects.

Ed Storms
On Jun 2, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

From: Edmund Storms

Jones, you are simply wrong. I have worked with tritium and I know how it behaves.

You apparently have not worked with tritium very intuitively, if you cannot understand this simple video.

It cannot be detected using its Bremsstrahlund unless a huge amount is present because this radiation is produced at only a small fraction of the beta and is absorbed very quickly by only a small amount of material in the case of tritium.

That is not what is being demonstrated before your eyes. Why am I not surprised that you do not want to acknowledge this?

Ah… is it because you want tritium to be present in the Rossi reactor when it is not indicated.

The video does not show anything about tritium.

That is a silly comment, and you know it.

We simply do not know or are told what is in the supposed light stick or how much tritium is present.

Did you take the time to follow up on the specs? It takes about 5 seconds to find the Wiki site

To the extent the container holding the tritium containing fluid is thin enough to pass Bremsstrahlund and generate useful light, the amount of tritium would be very dangerous if the container broke.

There are safety concerns, and I would not use this product - but that is not material to the fact that tritium can be detected by its Bremsstrahlung.

If Rossi had produced enough tritium to be detected this way, everyone in the room would have serious health and legal problems if the tritium got out of the E-Cat

Then it is a good thing that the Rossi effect produces no tritium! But of course, it should if your theory was correct for his device – but it is not correct for the Rossi device. QED


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