Like most things in the perverse field of LENR, Sonoluminescence is counter
intuitive. The star in the bottle is impressive but that false spark in the
deep ultra-blue is a false trail to anything useful.

The power that that spark wastes is turned outward. To be effective, the
plasmonic field must be turned inward in a dark mode to build in a cascade
of amplification.

The cavitation bubble is one of the most powerful forms of power
concentration but such is its plight to be ordinary.

The lust for gamma rays have been amply supplied by LeClair to such an
abundant extent that they as dangerous.

And yet even the LENR faithful ignore LeClair’s results and he is not
supported in any way.

It must be his bubbles; there just too plain and inconspicuous not like the
shining stars in the bottle.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Joe Hughes <> wrote:

> Interesting video clip featuring Dr. Seth Putterman describing his
> thoughts on "A star in a jar".
> Sorry if this had been posted and i missed it. Been hard to keep up with
> the list lately. :)
> This is a clip from a longer BBC video i believe.

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