Hi Axil, very plausible theory! Explains radioactive decay anomalies and at
lesser levels will  fit most of the different categories. sonoluminescence,
plasma engines. Ni H in powders or skeletal cats. I would only suggest the
H2O as the difference with LeClair vs H2 for Rossi and Mills not the
temperature of the water to explain why Gammas not thermalized. I like the
concept of LENR turned inward, modifying space-time effecting radioactive
decay of a certain number of gas atoms per unit time. I do have my pet
theory that the geometry of catalyst being utilized causes "segregation" of
the vacuum and that there be equal and opposite regions outside the cavity -
where the quantum billions of atoms forming the "lens" around the cavity
must also have a dispersed outer surface where vacuum pressure exactly
balances the concentrated levels inside the cavity. Like hydrogen that
obviously has an affinity for finding these confinement zones inside the
cavity per unit time another gas may have an affinity for the outer zones
such that radioactive decay would instead be retarded. This would then
account for both types of radioactive decay anomalies. An interesting
experiment that removes unit time for radioactive decay in a possibly
related anomaly.



Axil Axil
l%22>  Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:30:58 -0700

Unlike most if not all of the LENR faithful, I believe that LeClair has a
powerful LENR system. The LeClair system produces so much power that nobody
can think of it as a LENR system. They think that  LENR must be weak.
I am coming to believe that LENR is a powerful energy concentration
mechanism, where billions of coherent and entangled atoms can destroy the
strong force inside a nucleus through the concentration of EMF.
Nanospire has in fact created a supernova device.
When a billion atoms share their energy in superposition, some cannot take
the stress as induced by random fluctuations on vacuum energy.
As energy is pumped into the condensate, the condensate wants to return to
a lower energy state.
Like radioactive decay, a certain number of atoms per unit time will drop
out of the condensate and be subject to the full force of the combined
energy potential of the entire condensate.
This huge electric field is so great and its concentration is so sharp that
the local space/time that encircles the atom dropping out of the condensate
is distorted. In this way, the greatly amplified strength of the
electroweak force reaches some appreciable fraction of the magnitude of the
strong force. These two forces are on the road to unification.
A quark-gluon plasma (QGP) or quark soup is formed at extremely high
temperatures and/or density with an approximate temperature of 4 trillion
degrees Celsius. This phase consists of asymptotically free quarks and
gluons, which are several of the basic building blocks of matter.
This quark soup will reform into atoms in new nuclear configurations like
they would have done just after the big bang when the strong force and the
electroweak force were going through a cooling process aka phase transition.
Usually in LENR the gammas in this type of situation are thermalized, but
in the LeClair system, the coupling constraint between the entangled
concentrate members are not right for some reason, probably the low
temperature of water is the cause.
You can think of a Bose-Einstein condensate as a huge super-atom. If this
superatom is excited and therefore unstable, it will decay radioactively.
The decay products of this superatom are not fundamental particles but are
remade atoms whose nuclei have been put through a quantum mechanical
blender and then reformed by quark soup cooling.


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