I believe the MFMP attempt to detect gamma is the correct thing to do.  From
my own personal experience, I can say that proving that the heat in your
test is from a nuclear process is a high hurdle.  When you first begin
generating LENR, you likely will not be optimized to the point where very
much heat is being generated, let alone enough heat to prove a nuclear
source over a chemical process.


On the other hand, there have been wide reports of gammas of various energy.
Focardi reported gammas.  Storms reported gammas.  By definition gamma is
photon radiation from a nucleus, BUT it may have energy that is in the X-ray
range.  Optimizing your setup to detect low energy, low level gamma does 2
things.  First it proves that you are realizing a nuclear process (chemical
reactions don’t produce gamma).  Second, it gives you a sensitive metric to
begin your optimization (though it could  lead in a false direction, failing
to deliver you to the high heat reaction channel).


My hypothesis is that the output of heat optimized LENR is a low energy
gamma that is quickly absorbed in the apparatus (5keV-25keV).  There are
numerous evidences in the data from reported experiments that the reaction
produces a photonic output (for example, large-scale vs. nano-scale


You have to carefully design your test apparatus to be successful in
detection low energy gamma.  Even thin walls will block photons with
energies below 10keV.  By 20keV a detectable number are escaping a 30 mil
thick stainless wall.


If the output photon energy is less than 25 keV, then little would escape a
Rossi or Defkalion reactor – they would all be absorbed in the vessel walls
and be converted to heat.  So don’t take their lack of reported emissions as
evidence there isn’t any gamma. 


>From a product perspective, don’t forget that CRT’s produce X-rays in this
energy range.  The CRTs were later designed to have leaded glass to minimize
the emissions, but they first shipped with the emissions.  Even many of the
older high voltage rectifier tubes produced X-rays.  So, there is nothing
about having a primary reaction channel yielding low energy gamma that would
prevent a shipping product.  A bigger concern for product would be if the
primary reaction channel produces tritium.


From: Blaze Spinnaker [mailto:blazespinna...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 11:54 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:MFMP detects GAMMA rays in LENR experiment!


"[UPDATE #1] Jean-Paul Biberian independently replicates MFMP finding inside
24 hours

Jean-Paul Biberian, who was forwarded by a follower an advance pdf of the
‘Gamma’ blogpost that was sent out to donors 12 hours earlier, was so
interested in the finding, that he put his schedule to one side and decided
to independently immediately look for Gammas himself.

The wire was not produced by Celani, it was only simply treated by joule
heating cycles by Mathieu. Wire used was 25µm constantan wire. We can later
provide the script programmed on an arduino that performed this task.

The hydrogen gas was provided by a different source which may negate
questions surrounding some contaminant in the MFMP mini cans.

The Geiger counter which was used was an identical model to the one used by
MFMP which makes it is a more direct replication. That being said, this is
still not telling us the burst length and decay and the Gamma energies

He mentioned that background radiation was 18 to 20 CPM before the
experiment, after hydrogen was introduced he put 125mA into the wire, he
observed 40 to 50 CPM slowly decreasing over time, this is more akin to what
Mathieu observed in the early weeks of the EU cell test and the pattern of
burst and decay is in line with what was observed and video recorded last



On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:51 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <blazespinna...@gmail.com>

"The production of gamma radiation is a sure sign that the LENR reaction is
failing, in the same way that smoke is an indicator of a failing wood fire

 A hot and vigorous wood fire is smokeless."

Your analogy is great cause being able to generate smoke is usually what you
generally learn to do before you generate fire.



"These LENR workers are misguided. "

Your ad hominem not so great.

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