Thanks Blaze - Interesting to look at their patent portfolio in the context
of LENR.


There are a range of patents which overlap areas in LENR - showing at least
that there is expertise.


Of course - everyone wants to know WHO exactly validated the device, and did
they avoid the pitfalls which are common in poor evaluations. Some of us had
a brief look, several years back - at the validation study which Ampenergo
used to evaluate the ECat - and it was shoddy. Actually worse than shoddy.


RTI is a giant step up from that, in terms of organizational competence -
and there is no reason to suggest that due diligence was not used . and it
is hoped that they obtained some of their insight from reading the comments
here and elsewhere.


From: Blaze Spinnaker


Tom is on the board of governors for RTI.




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