
One simple question--In all the Ni-H systems has there been a good evaluation 
of the residuel radioactivity? 

What do you mean by " fragmentation" and  "Ni fission"?  For example, what are 
possible fission products?  Lighter isotopes which are radioactively stable? Is 
the fission process like the reaction of a neutron with U-235 producing  
fragments with kinetic energy, or do the fragments merely stay put.  

However,  If what you suggest happens, i.e. the introduction of d to the Ni 
nuclei, why not the following reactions?:
     Ni-58 goes to Cu-60 (radioactive) 
     Ni-60 goes to Cu-62 (radioactive)
    Ni-61 goes to Cu-63 (stable) 
      Ni-62 goes to Cu-64 (radioactive) and
     Ni-64 goes to Cu-66 (radioactive).

All the radioactive Cu isotopes emit electrons or positrons and additional 
x-rays or soft gammas to boot, in addition to the .51 mev x-ray associated with 
positrons-electron reaction.  Cu short-lived activity should be seen if the 
D-Ni reaction occurs.  

Rossi and Focardi did not appear to advocate such reactions.  And I would have 
estimated that they would have looked for them.  Remember they indicated no 
residual activity and did not mention the P-e-P reaction in their patent 
application. .   Focardi must surely have known about it--the P-e-P reaction.  
Everything I have heard Focardi say and write  has made sense to me and has  
seemed to be without obfuscation.  (I cannot say  this for hot fusion advocates 
and the APS establishment.)  However, it would not be the first time I was 
wrong.   A mentor once said "it takes $1,000,000 worth of mistakes to make a 
good engineer," and that was in the late 60's.  Luckily I do not have to worry 
about the issues Hagelstein and others make about my future career.  

Bob Cook
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Edmund Storms 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Cc: Edmund Storms 
  Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 10:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:MIT Course Day 5 -- NiH Systems

  Bob and Eric, the issue of transmutation is basic to understanding LENR. 
First of all, transmutation has a very high barrier requiring an explanation of 
how this can be overcome.  Second, the resulting energy has to be dissipated in 
ways known to be possible. I propose the hydrogen fusion process provides the 
required energy and dissipates much of the excess mass-energy. In other words, 
transmutation can not occur unless fusion is taking place at the same time and 
place in the material. 

  We now know that two kinds of transmutation occur. Iwamura shows that D can 
be added to a target resulting in a stable heavier product. Most other claims 
for transmutation are based on fragments of Pd being found.  Explaining these 
two different results is the challenge.

  In the case of Ni+H, I propose the p-e-p fusion process deposits the 
resulting d in the Ni nucleus, resulting in fragmentation of the product in 
order to dissipate the excess mass-energy. I believe 2d enter all isotopes of 
Ni when the fusion reaction is operating. As a result, the 1.9 MeV obtained 
from the p-e-p reaction is added to any energy resulting from occasional 
transmutation. When the Ni fissions, it must conserve n and p, which produces a 
distribution of products that can be calculated. This calculation shows a 
distribution that is consistent with what is reported and reveals Ni-58 to be 
the most active isotope for energy production.  I will provide much more detail 
and justification in my book. Meanwhile, you might consider this proposed 

  I propose transmutation takes place in the Rossi cell, but he has incorrectly 
identified its source and incorrectly attributed the energy to transmutation. I 
propose most energy results from p-e-p=d fusion, with transmutation resulting 
from fission of Ni adding only a minor amount of energy.  If this is the case, 
focus on Ni is a waste of time.

  Ed Storms

  On Feb 7, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Bob Cook wrote:


    Your bring up some interesting questions about the Rossi reactor.  The 
information I have included come from Rossi and Focardi's international patent 
application noted below.

    1. Is Rossi separating Ni isotopes for the Ni he uses in the reactor? 

    This would be expensive.  The natural isotopic abundances are:
        Ni-58, 68.08%;
         Ni-59, 0%--its radioactive with 1/2 life of 80,000 years;
         Ni 60, 26.22%;
         Ni-61, 1.14%;
         Ni-62, 3.63%;
         Ni-63, 0%--its radioactive with 1/2 life of 92 years;
         Ni-64, 0.93%. 
    I would pick Ni-60 because it is more than one transmutation (Ni-proton 
fusion) away from a radioactive residue.

    2. Is there radioactive ash (Ni-59 or Ni-63) left in the spent reactors?
        Rossi and Focardi seem to contradict themselves with the statements 
            "...we believe that form of energy involved is nuclear, and more 
specifically, due to fusion processes between protons and Nickel nuclei.

            They are exothermic with an energy release in the range 3-7,5 MeV, 
depending on the Nickel isotope involved."

            "No radioactivity has been found also in the Nickel residual from 
the process."

     This information attributed to Focardi and Rossi comes from their 
instructive statements, which suggest the nuclear Ni-proton fusion,  in the 
following paper: 
    A new energy source from nuclear fusion

    S. Focardi(1) and A. Rossi(2)--(1)Physics Department Bologna University and 
INFN Bologna Section, (2)Leonardo Corp. (USA) - Inventor of the Patent, March 
22, 2010  (international patent publication N. WO 2009/125444 A1) 

    My final observation is that the Rossi-Focardi comment that there is no 
radioactivity in the residue needs to be checked.  Other Ni-hydrogen materials 
that have been produced  by other experimenters should be carefully checked for 
both the potential radioactive Ni isotopes---Ni-59 and Ni-63.  They should be 
easy to detect given their well known decay modes and probable gamma emissions. 
 (I will look up this information and put it in a subsequent comment.)   I know 
that both Ni-59 and Ni-63 are problems when it comes to nuclear waste disposal 
of activated metals.)   A null radioactivity essay would be revealing as to the 
process actually occurring in the Ni-hydrogen reactions. 


      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Eric Walker
      To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
      Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 7:45 PM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:MIT Course Day 5 -- NiH Systems

      On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

        Also I suspect that the nano Ni that is produced is pretty pure.  That 
may be why Rossi uses it and may be the reason other researchers do not have 
very good luck at getting a good reaction.

      I'm guessing that the purity of Rossi's nickel (in terms of 62Ni and 
64Ni) is related to avoiding beta-plus and beta-minus decay, and, with 
beta-plus decay, the 511 keV positron-electron annihilation photons.

      Some vorts may enjoy this video of a small cloud chamber [1].  It's 
remarkable that such a small event can have macroscopic effects.


      [1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQVMrkJYShc

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