From: Jed Rothwell 


Note how I phrased this, oh so carefully:


As long as there is free market competition, there will be cutthroat price
reductions and the cost of energy per joule will plummet, just as the cost
of computing fell by a factor of several billion (measured per instruction
or per byte of storage).


The cost per FLOP or per byte of storage has declined by many orders of
magnitude. BUT, we spend a lot more on computers than we did in 1970. 



We spend much more now so this is not comparable and disproves your former
assertion . and you still do not have a grasp of the time issue, wrt energy
and IP and trade secrets etc. LENR will not happen quickly and it will cost
slightly more for many years, due to the novelty if nothing else.


There will be no real savings to the energy consumer this decade, even with
robust LENR happening this year - since the initial cost will be high and
the supply will be low. Wind and solar are maturing at this time as well -
and they do not need major maintenance every 6 months.


Even if the "heat" source seems magical, the economics are not magic - it is
supply and demand. Coal can still be bought for $60 ton and LENR will never
compete on a thermal BTW basis with that - even if you give away the device,
since the nickel replacement will cost much more than Rossi wants to admit
(even if it does not have an enriched isotope, as his patent implies).






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