-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook 


> Alphas would not produce Bremstrallung, if they gain no kinetic energy in 
being produced. Energy in the form of angular momentum would not produce 
the B word.

Bob- That much is almost true, but you overlook the 800 pound gorilla in the
corner - TSC. Maybe you are unfamiliar with it. This happens to be one of
the more credible versions of Pd-D in my opinion since no gamma is expected
- yet the kinetics of the reaction produce bremsstrahlung. 

Apparently many in Japan think that Takahashi's version makes the most sense
also but AFAIK he has not documented the spectra of the B word. He
postulates that a BEC of deuterons is more likely to produce 2 energetic
alphas from 4 deuterons than the alternative situation. TSC produces 8Be
first which decays into 4He + 4He liberating up to 47.6 MeV of kinetic
energy, no gamma and the reaction is known in cosmology from supernova - so
it is not an invention. As an alternative of D+D -> He, which has to
overcome the huge problem of least-favored-channel, TSC is a superior Point
of View to many.

It is a very strong argument since no gammas are expected - all kinetic. All


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