On Mar 5, 2014, at 12:28 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

>               From: Edmund Storms 
>               Jones, bremsstrahlung or "slowing down radiation" is not
> produced by photons. 
> Who said it was?

I'm not answering a claim. I'm simply giving information. You brought up 
photons by talking about gamma emissions, which are photons. You then added the 
production of bremsstrahlung, which I simply pointed out is not produced by 

> You brought up photons. I asked for adequate documentation
> of intense photon emission - and am still waiting.

I sent a list of references. If you want a copy of a particular paper to read, 
ask and I will send what I have.  Unfortunately, I can not send using Vortex 
and I can not send all the papers. 
>               This is generated by energetic electrons or particles such
> as alpha emission. LENR produces neither kind of radiation. 
> What? Are you now saying that the helium you claim to see in Pd-D does not
> begin as an alpha particles?

Yes, that is what I'm saying. LENR can not result in a single alpha because two 
particles are required to conserve momentum when energy is released. 
>               Therefore, bremsstrahlung is not an issue because all the
> mass-energy is dissipated as photons.
> There is no proof of this.

The proof is in the behavior. This is the only conclusion consistent with all 
behavior. Unfortunately, a book is required to present this information in a 
form and as complete as you require. I'm attempting to do this. Please be 

>               The only question is how this happens.  I have proposed a
> mechanism. The only issue is whether this mechanism is plausible and
> consistent will all the other observations. 
> It is not plausible if you cannot document photons sufficient to account for
> the heat. 

I agree, the measurement of heat and radiation have not been done in a way to 
show a quantitative correlation. However, I suggest you apply this standard to 
the other explanations as well. If you do, I think you will have to agree that 
no explanation meeting this requirements presently exists, including your own.

Ed Storms
> Where is the documentation?
> Jones
> <winmail.dat>

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