On Mar 5, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

> From: Edmund Storms
> So your argument is that Hagelstein has generated incorrect arguments simply 
> to support his own theory.
> They may or may not be incorrect, but they are definitely self-serving.

Have you read them? I have and the papers simply show the consequences of 
particle emission from any source. His arguments are correct and place a limit 
on the energy compared to what is observed. This is less self-serving than your 
> And that no matter what is said about the Takahashi theory, it must be 
> correct because it does not emit strong gamma and it must be better than my 
> theory.
> Any theory of deuterium to 4He fusion is more likely to be correct to the 
> degree that it does not “wish away” a strong gamma.

Yes and I accept that you obsessed with this argument.  I now give up trying to 
show you how this opinion is not correct and is not consistent with what is 
> You apparently do not acknowledge any fact of nature independent of personal 
> motivation. Amazing.
> You have presented no fact of nature to consider, and no indisputable fact of 
> any kind - so my personal motivation does not enter into the discussion.

Once again, you defect the issue and ignore what I have provided. Are you a 
lawyer, Jones? 

Ed Storms
> Jones

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