Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Apparently Mr Igari presented for Mizuno. He was said to be very impressive
> and informed about the details.

That was Mr. Yoshino. Mizuno also presented via Skype.

I heard from Mizuno this morning. I asked him to send me the slides, but he
has not got around to it. If he sends them I will upload them. If there are
some in Japanese I will translate them. He says he will send me a new paper
"soon." (In professor-speak, "soon" indicates a time-value ranging from a
week to ten years.)

Note that in addition to the ICCF18 paper, there as a poster which was
mostly written by me, which may be more understandable.

He and I went over the poster several times so I am pretty sure it is
accurate. Apparently they have made great progress since then.

One aspect of this technique which has not been discussed lately is that
the particles remain stuck to the wire they are carved out from, so they
cannot stick together. In other nanoparticle systems, they tend to stick
together, then merge or fuse together, reducing surface area.

- Jed

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