Jones--Thanks for your ideas.

One feature of QM systems that I have assumed is that the differential energy gaps between states increase and align with magnetic field strength. In other words the quanta of energy available when changing from one state to another can be whatever you want depending on the applied field. If one were to get merely 24 ev between states, it would only take 1 million receptors or fewer to allow the distribution of the 24 Mev mass energy you are concerned about.

Resonant magnetic field frequencies may help the coupling and provide available receptor particles including electronic electrons. Variable magnetic frequencies may allow inclusion of more particles and receptive areas in a lattice for participation in the fractionation process increasing resonant conditions. The quantum system involved in the coupling may be as large as a nano particle with may more particles than necessary to accept the 24 MEV in small energy quanta donations.

In addition the decay process of a virtual excited He-4 nucleus may slow some to wait for available resonant conditions for the spin energy distribution to happen.

Again the above model for energy distribution depends upon coupling in nano sized particles, which we know little about. As far as I know the theory/math for the coupling does not exist. However, if there are overlapping wave function from one particle to the next, then the whole system could be coupled.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jones Beene" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:55 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Nuclear isomer

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook

Jones--You seem to conclude spin coupling is possible, why not in this

Bob - Spin coupling should easily be possible for a low to intermediate
range of energies per atom - my guess is that it is sub-eV range, possibly
milli-eV, but even if it goes up to keV that may not be enough to fit into
the circumstances of ~24 MeV fusion. The very large energy to be shed, and
the time required to accomplish that, in order to get to helium from
deuterium, is the problem.

Can you find anything in the literature that would indicate the very high
levels of energy transfer via spin coupling which would be necessary? That
would be a good start. After all, we are talking about nuclear spin
coupling, which is presumably 500-800 times lower in intensity than EM spin
coupling, based on the same geometry.

BTW - since we are surely talking about another form of induction - what is
the most efficient electrical transformer, in terms of energy transferred
per unit of mass of the transformer? Can we work backwards from there? If
not, why not?

The recent distrust with DGT is another problem for spin coupling - since
they claimed a magnetic field in the range of what implies high energy spin
coupling. If that can be verified, then we are in new territory.

When all is said and done - I like spin coupling as the preferred energy
transfer mechanism in LENR, but find that it is much more defensible as a
way to transfer the tiny amount of sequential energy of say - the Lamb
Shift, or the Casimir dynamical effect, or at the high end, the binding
energy of positronium - instead of the huge amount of energy of deuterium
fusion to helium.


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