-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Dyer 

> And not just LENR. I am currently looking at how this may occur in the
copper that is associated with DNA/DNA/RNA triple helixes

>> Cyril Smith says: "If we wish to use Larmor precessions as charge pumps,
but without external microwaves maintaining the FMR resonance, we need
another method for cohering the precessions. There is an argument that, in a
ferromagnetic conductor, phase-locking of the individual lattice precessions
can be achieved by spin-spin coupling to and from conduction electrons ...

Nigel - Why not iron, instead of copper? Out of curiosity, I did a brief
googling to see if DNA has an associated RF resonance. This turned up:

"Biophysicists have demonstrated that DNA... resonantly absorbs
electromagnetic energy in the microwave range of the frequency spectrum...
They have found in their experiments that microwaves in the 300 MHz to 3 GHz
range can be thermally absorbed by causing a dipolar molecule, such as water
to oscillate in a frictional media, thereby dissipating the energy in the
form of heat..."

... which seems a bit high for Larmor precession and seems to be a relic of
water, not DNA, but it is one more reason why cell phones are not
recommended for constant use by teenagers (since the range overlaps)

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