Eric, approach the fist volume carefully. Mills has several pages of 
introductory narrative, comparing CP to QM. Also, download the “Technical 
Presentation” from the website. Unfortunately, the ‘TP’ has no narrative and is 
not a tutorial. You will find Mills’ writing intensely mathematical but 
interspersed with graphics and animations. Mills is a gifted, facile 
mathematician. He has an outside mathematician who checks his equations. 
Traditionally, one who makes a new discovery should provide a trail back to 
‘received opinion’ for others to follow.    GUTCP is such a work. Beyond the 
Orbitsphere, Mills addresses some of the landmarks of ‘received opinion’ 
interpreting them from the framework of classical physics. This not a trivial 
task. There is a book “America’s Newton” by Tom Stolper, which has some 
background info about Mills and his work against a background of 20th century 
physics. It is obtainable from Amazon. Tom is not a ‘scientist’ but he went to 
a university which encouraged serious study beyond the topic of hi major. He 
wrote at a time when observers were ting to meld ‘cold fusion’, LENR, and BLP. 
The first 60 pages are a distraction, but you may find value in the later 
pages. The physics of the SunCell is far beyond the scope of Tom’s book but I 
know of no other source abut Mills’ early life. He is not a MD puttering in his 

Mike Carrell 


From: Eric Walker [] n
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Mike Carrell <> wrote:


Good news for Eric: he doesn’t have to pay $789 for GUTCP. It is available as a 
free download from the website, like most of Mills’ initial postings. For the 
90 journal papers a fee is charged by the journal publishers for reprints. But 
ten, he has to actually read it.


You have removed a significant obstacle to my reading it.  Now I will plan to 
read it as soon as I find the motivation to do so.




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