Axil, don't misunderstand, I have definitely read reference material
concerning what you're talking about. I find a lot of it interesting and
possibly suggestive of what might be going on in plasmatic NiH systems. I
don't take any current theory as "the truth" -- yours or Ed's. I have
questions about all of them. Like all theories at this point, the idea of
plasmon-induced BEC makes a number of leaps of faith & assumptions that I
don't think are yet born out by experiment. There's hints, as you've
stated, that could be connected, but they don't necessarily have to be. But
again, at least it seems like w/ NiH you're trying to put together some
experimental tests, which I appreciate & like about what you're doing.
Also, I know you trust all the DGT data, but I don't, so we're at an
impasse there. I will be very excited if they are actually doing legitimate
mass spectroscopy work as promised however.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> I will answer the other two, but I also hope that you will attempt to
> understand some Nanoplasmonics. Just read the intro, and concentrate on how
> hot spots work. Please....I need more targets.
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>> Thanks for a bit about your background, I appreciate that. But you still
>> have two more to go before the toll is paid I'm afraid.
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> Ok, I will pay your price so here is #2
>>> * Do you have a background in science, a self-taught amateur, or
>>> somewhere in between? I don't think it's fair to be completely anonymous
>>> when putting forth some sort of grand unified TOE.*
>>> I have a degree in physics, but make a living as a system engineer. I
>>> specialize in reverse engineering old system's where all info about
>>> how they work and what they do has been lose to the ravages of time. I
>>> study such systems  in order to upgrade them to a new and/or higher level
>>> of technology.
>>> The skill set that I have perfected over many years  is a great help
>>> in connecting the dots. I believe I can connect the dots with the best of
>>> them. A systems engineer is a generalist and a good one will
>>> become competent or expert is any technology that is required to understand
>>> how a given system works.
>>> As a paranoid, I am afraid of Putin. When Putin finds out that the LENR
>>> GUT has destroyed his dreams, his friends, and is removing him from power,
>>> he will be pissed and being unknown to him for as long as possible is
>>> reassuring to me.
>>> And there are many centers of power like Putin.
>>> Rossi has said that he has  protection. I think that he does
>>> but I surly  don't.
>>> The more people who know how LENR works, the more targets there will be
>>> during the big reveal. But no one is willing to take that path. I want more
>>> target so I am not the only one. Any volunteers?
>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>>> I know you can explain them away. That's not much of an accomplishment.
>>>> Are you going to take the time to answer the other three questions I posed
>>>> to you before we go off on this tangent?
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>>> Are you referencing a transition to a BEC state in NiH-LENR, something
>>>>> which is far from conclusive or self-evident? BEC theories like Kim's or
>>>>> Takahashi's, even though I find them attractive, still confront a number 
>>>>> of
>>>>> problems as you probably know.
>>>>> Great, let us talk about these problems. I don't see problems. I bet I
>>>>> can explain away these problems. Please give be a shot at that.
>>>>>  On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> sort of lost me. What are you getting at exactly? It doesn't
>>>>>> contradict what I wrote in the slightest. Yeah, fermions & bosons play
>>>>>> different roles in nuclear process, in all processes actually -- so what?
>>>>>> Are you referencing a transition to a BEC state in NiH-LENR,
>>>>>> something which is far from conclusive or self-evident? BEC theories like
>>>>>> Kim's or Takahashi's, even though I find them attractive, still confront 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> number of problems as you probably know.
>>>>>> One can just as easily picture a more general process (as I
>>>>>> just highlighted in two different hot fusion systems), absent of 
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> phase transitions, occurring across different LENR systems. Based on the
>>>>>> evidence so far, I think at best it could be argued that there a draw
>>>>>> exists between the two points of view.
>>>>>> I appreciate you clearing up any confusions. Take care.
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Jones Beene <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>   *From:* Foks0904 .
>>>>>>> …But in many cases, under the umbrella of a general process, such
>>>>>>> as traditional nuclear reactions, despite the difference, the different
>>>>>>> isotopes all tend to follow the same general script in terms of how a
>>>>>>> reaction path progresses and generates effects.
>>>>>>> Not so! Bosons are very different from Fermions – profoundly
>>>>>>> different when it comes to nuclear interaction.
>>>>>>> Enough said?

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