They have developed a polariton laser that works at room temperature. That
means that polaritons can form coherent and entangled ensembles of SPPs
(BEC) when properly pumped.


Exciton and Polariton Condensation

Polaritons are as low mass as photons which can produce condensates. The
temperature limit on condensate formation  is at least 2300K.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:

> Axil, don't misunderstand, I have definitely read reference material
> concerning what you're talking about. I find a lot of it interesting and
> possibly suggestive of what might be going on in plasmatic NiH systems. I
> don't take any current theory as "the truth" -- yours or Ed's. I have
> questions about all of them. Like all theories at this point, the idea of
> plasmon-induced BEC makes a number of leaps of faith & assumptions that I
> don't think are yet born out by experiment. There's hints, as you've
> stated, that could be connected, but they don't necessarily have to be. But
> again, at least it seems like w/ NiH you're trying to put together some
> experimental tests, which I appreciate & like about what you're doing.
> Also, I know you trust all the DGT data, but I don't, so we're at an
> impasse there. I will be very excited if they are actually doing legitimate
> mass spectroscopy work as promised however.
> Regards,
> John
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> I will answer the other two, but I also hope that you will attempt to
>> understand some Nanoplasmonics. Just read the intro, and concentrate on how
>> hot spots work. Please....I need more targets.
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for a bit about your background, I appreciate that. But you still
>>> have two more to go before the toll is paid I'm afraid.
>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>> Ok, I will pay your price so here is #2
>>>> * Do you have a background in science, a self-taught amateur, or
>>>> somewhere in between? I don't think it's fair to be completely anonymous
>>>> when putting forth some sort of grand unified TOE.*
>>>> I have a degree in physics, but make a living as a system engineer. I
>>>> specialize in reverse engineering old system's where all info about
>>>> how they work and what they do has been lose to the ravages of time. I
>>>> study such systems  in order to upgrade them to a new and/or higher level
>>>> of technology.
>>>> The skill set that I have perfected over many years  is a great help
>>>> in connecting the dots. I believe I can connect the dots with the best of
>>>> them. A systems engineer is a generalist and a good one will
>>>> become competent or expert is any technology that is required to understand
>>>> how a given system works.
>>>> As a paranoid, I am afraid of Putin. When Putin finds out that the LENR
>>>> GUT has destroyed his dreams, his friends, and is removing him from power,
>>>> he will be pissed and being unknown to him for as long as possible is
>>>> reassuring to me.
>>>> And there are many centers of power like Putin.
>>>> Rossi has said that he has  protection. I think that he does
>>>> but I surly  don't.
>>>> The more people who know how LENR works, the more targets there will be
>>>> during the big reveal. But no one is willing to take that path. I want more
>>>> target so I am not the only one. Any volunteers?
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>>>> I know you can explain them away. That's not much of an
>>>>> accomplishment. Are you going to take the time to answer the other three
>>>>> questions I posed to you before we go off on this tangent?
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>>>> Are you referencing a transition to a BEC state in NiH-LENR,
>>>>>> something which is far from conclusive or self-evident? BEC theories like
>>>>>> Kim's or Takahashi's, even though I find them attractive, still confront 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> number of problems as you probably know.
>>>>>> Great, let us talk about these problems. I don't see problems. I bet
>>>>>> I can explain away these problems. Please give be a shot at that.
>>>>>>  On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> sort of lost me. What are you getting at exactly? It
>>>>>>> doesn't contradict what I wrote in the slightest. Yeah, fermions & 
>>>>>>> bosons
>>>>>>> play different roles in nuclear process, in all processes actually -- so
>>>>>>> what?
>>>>>>> Are you referencing a transition to a BEC state in NiH-LENR,
>>>>>>> something which is far from conclusive or self-evident? BEC theories 
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> Kim's or Takahashi's, even though I find them attractive, still 
>>>>>>> confront a
>>>>>>> number of problems as you probably know.
>>>>>>> One can just as easily picture a more general process (as I
>>>>>>> just highlighted in two different hot fusion systems), absent of 
>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>> phase transitions, occurring across different LENR systems. Based on the
>>>>>>> evidence so far, I think at best it could be argued that there a draw
>>>>>>> exists between the two points of view.
>>>>>>> I appreciate you clearing up any confusions. Take care.
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Jones Beene <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>   *From:* Foks0904 .
>>>>>>>> …But in many cases, under the umbrella of a general process, such
>>>>>>>> as traditional nuclear reactions, despite the difference, the different
>>>>>>>> isotopes all tend to follow the same general script in terms of how a
>>>>>>>> reaction path progresses and generates effects.
>>>>>>>> Not so! Bosons are very different from Fermions – profoundly
>>>>>>>> different when it comes to nuclear interaction.
>>>>>>>> Enough said?

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