The issue of heat dissipation being the achilles heel of the suncell appears to 
be a persistent criticism on why the Suncell will not work commercially.  I 
think this opinion is misinformed and this problem really is relatively easy to 
solve.  The Suncell may fail based on some other issue - like the effective 
recycling of the catalyst or the issue of Input power or some other issue.  I 
don't think heat dissipation is one of them.

First,  here's the wiki talking about Concentrated PV.  It talks about current 
efficiencies reaching 44%.  Zenith Solar has achieved efficiencies reportedly 
in the 72% range in their combined heat and electricity concentrated PV 
designs.  So, the claimed efficiencies are not BS.  They're here already.

Here's are articles about an IBM concentrated PV system that they claim has a 
combined efficiency of 80%.  The triple junction PV cell can take up to 5000 
suns.  Water is pump through the PV to cool it.  (Don't be distracted by the 
huge parabolic dish.  The dish is simply there to concentrate the sun. The real 
achievement is how they were able to prevent the melting of the PV cell with 
water.)  The heated cooling water is then collected to provide clean water and 
air conditioning.  I don't see why the PV cells can not be built into 1m x1m 
x1m panels and stacked in the suncell like Mills claims.  Water can be pumped 
to remove heat.

Here's another commercial product the uses micro channels for water cooling.  
This one is able to handle 2000 suns of concentration with a reported 
efficiency of 75%.

The above are just a few examples of how engineers have been able to manage the 
heat issue with PV panels used for up to a few thousand suns.  The challenges 
have already been solved as evidenced by existing products.

With the hydrino explosion reportedly with 10,000 suns concentration, Mills 
designed an optical distribution network of partially transparent mirrors to 
distribute the light intensity to all PV.  Eash PV will be receiving its own 
alloted concentration of light.  At that level, its own built in cooling system 
will be able to dissipate its own waste heat.  

What comes out to the Suncell would be 10Mw of electricity and 15MW of heated 
water which can obviously be used for a lot of things.  Air Conditioning needs 
of a medium size building alone would use up a sizable proportion of the 15MW 
of heated water.  A suitable cooling tower can easily dissipate 15MW of heat.

I just don't see heat dissipation to be a major issue.  It is an engineering 
problem that already has a solution.  

And let's not be hanged up on the 1x1x1 meter size.  Clearly, this is just an 
arbitrary size.  A 10MW suncell could be 10x bigger and would still be 
revolutionary.  Heck, it could be 100x bigger and would still run multiple 
circles around everything we've currently got, including the hotcat or the 
mythical hyperion.

And need I remind everybody, that I WANT THE SUNCELL TO FAIL.


PS.  For some of you interested in a more formal study of the heat dissipation 
issue, here's one

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve High 
  To: Vortex 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?

  It occurred to me to consider the heat dissipation issue in terms of 100 watt 
incandescent light bulbs, acknowledging that most of the energy emitted  from 
an incandescent bulb is in the form of heat. So how many 100 watt incandescent 
bulbs would be equivalent to the 15 megawatts of excess heat energy? My math 
tells me 150,000. Mill's engineers will need to come up with a way to disperse 
the heat of 150,000 100 watt bulbs from a one by one by one meter box.I still 
think that's going to take some work.

  On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

    1.  I agree, 5J input should be completely charaterized and documented.  
Mills talked about IGBT power supplies in the upcoming prototype.  These 
advanced power supplies should help answer this question.  

    2.  I don't agree with your analysis of the Bomb Calorimetry.  Larger 
conductors if any should lessen the heat because its resistance to current is 
lower.  Furthermore, larger conductors have a larger and heavier thermal mass 
and should therefore absorb heat and cause the temperature rise to be lower.  
The heat output was estimated from the temperature rise.  If there is a large 
thermal mass like large conductors, it should cause a lower temperature rise 
inside.   If any, the modifications you object to would "UNDER" estimate the 
output power.  Besides, it matters not if there is a large conductor.  You 
claim that these larger conductor carried heat.  Yea??? heat from where to 
where.  Everything is inside the calorimeter.  So, unless there was a big heat 
source behind the bomb calorimeter "conducting" heat from the outside to the 
inside via the Large conductors .....   Besides, they characterized the temp 
chart due to room temperature effects.  So, I find your objections illogical 
and unfounded.

    3.  I find all these concerns about too much heat to melt the PV panels 
unreasonable and uninformed.  In fact, Mills addressed this concern several 
times in the video.  Let me state his case better here by summarizing a few key 

        a.  The explosion energy output was characterized to be predominantly 
light in the visible range.  I believe the number was estimated to be 80-90% 
light output.  Only a small proportion is heat as evidence by the low pressure 
pulse gradient measured.  So, the output is predominantly light.

        b.  Current production triple junction PV panels can achieve 43% 
conversion.  This applies to natural sunlight which is not perfectly tuned to 
the physics of the semiconductor used.  Mills is claiming that his explosion's 
light output can be tuned in wavelength to more perfectly match the PV panel, 
so the efficiency should increase from 43%.  I find this claim reasonable and 

       c.  Mills claims that according to their measurements, the output 
intensity of the light corresponds to approx 10,000 suns.  There is no PV 
technology that can take 10,000 suns.  So, Mills designed an ingenious light 
distribution system composed of a network of  semi transparent mirrors to 
divide the 10,000 suns into PV panels that can only accept from 250 suns to a 
few thousands suns.  Hence, each PV panel is being fed 250 to a few thousand 
suns of intensity.  

       d.  We know that if the PV can be designed to accept this intensity 
without melting, that efficiency goes up considerably.  This is proven in the 
industry with concentrated solar PV panels already being sold. 

       e.  The problem of course is heat which would degrade efficiency and/or 
melt the PV panels.  This is true and known - that's why manufacturers desgined 
water cooling ports into PVs designed for concentrated solar applications.  
With water cooling flowing behind the PV panels, heat can be controlled and PV 
efficiency skyrockets.  Obviously the capacity of the cooling system is matched 
to the intended application.  If the manufacturer advertises that his panel can 
take 1000 sun continuously, then it is obvious that he has properly designed 
his cooling system to removed the expected generated heat.  That is a given and 
thinking otherwise is just petty and unreasonable.

       f.  1000 suns from our sun is the same as 1000 suns from the hydrino 
explosion.  Why would the expected waste heat be different?  And why would it 
melt the PV when it is properly sized. 1000 suns is 1000 suns irregardless of 
the source.  Many people here speculated, (rather erroneously) that the waste 
heat would melt the suncell PV panels.  This conclusion is uninformed.  With 
proper water cooling, heat is manageable.  Dissipating 15MW of heat is quite 
manageable within the expected size of 1m x 1m x 1m suncell cube.  There is 
nothing unreasonable here.

    So, to conclude point 3, the combination of light wavelength tuning (point 
3a) , the use of a few thousand suns of concentration (point 3c & 3d) and the 
appropriate water cooling (point 3e & 3f) should cause the PV efficiency to 
rise way past the 43% point.  I dare specualte 60-70% efficiency.  Hence, there 
may be less heat that needs to be dissipated than people realize.  There is no 
engineering concern with waste heat melting the suncell.

    4.  I care not whether the explosion is a hydrino transition or an LENR, 
Cold fusion, quantum mechanics, soliton, BEC, dark matter, tunnelling, 
entanglement resonant reaction, nano antenna nano wire nano soliton EMF, 
magnetic monopole, superatom, dynamically created NAE.  My dog is not in 
whether Hydrino is the source or something else.  I don't care.  All I know for 
sure now is that it appears to be overunity and is a threat to my plans.  I 
have to take this technology seriously.  I truly wish Randy would fail so that 
I can make a few million with my wave-powered design.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Bob Higgins 
      Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 12:29 AM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?

      First, the fact that the same output could be obtained with a 5J input is 
completely undocumented - it is just thrown out there and without presented 
demonstration or experimental data - the comment is worthless. 

      Their calorimetry appears to be flawed.  They have apparently modified 
the calorimeter to bring in huge current carrying conductors, and everyone 
knows that what carries current well also transports heat well.  The heat 
carried by these conductors needed to be calibrated out of the reaction, but 
this was done in a way that did not account for the heat contained in the 
ejecta of the actual experiment.  The result is an overestimation of the heat 
carried out by the conductors and subsequently an overestimation of the COP.  

      I am not saying that his COP is less than 1.  I think he may be realizing 
excess heat.  I just don't believe his claim for high COP at all.  And with low 
COP, you will not be able to convert to electricity with net gain.  I think he 
has an advantage in that he has high enthalpy of his output, but the COP is 
low.  The prospect of converting MW of light (even if the efficiency made 
sense) is pretty ridiculous.  I built a 5.4 kW array for solar electric and it 
had 67 square meters of collection area.  Do you really think he will be able 
to collect even 5 kW in a single square meter?  100kW would melt the PV cells 
due to inefficiency.  It is about as [im]practical as his completely flawed 
plan to use MHD conversion.

      Note also the work of Santilli with similar high current experiments.  
His work was subsequently reproduced by Kadeisvili.  Santilli showed that in 
high current discharge, LENR transmutation occurred at a reasonably high rate.  
The transmutation evidence was strong, indicating LENR was occurring in this 
high current discharge.  Mills may actually get excess heat, but much of it may 
be coming from LENR.  Mills does not want this to be the case, because heat 
produced via LENR would not be covered by his patents.  So he doesn't look for 
the transmutation products in his result, or he doesn't publish that data.  
Mills may be correct about the fractional quantum states of hydrogen and they 
may be complicit in LENR.  But he would lose a lot of his patent value if the 
heat were proved to actually be coming from LENR.

      Bob Higgins 

      On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Jojo Iznart <> 

        If I remember correctly, it is about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way on video 1.  
A guy named Jim??? did the bomb calorimetry and he showed the output graph of 
the temp rise which he calculated to be around 623+ J.  Randy then explain that 
the input power was around 200+ J because the fuel was enclosed in an aluminum 
sphere shell so it takes energy to vaporize the aluminum sphere shell also.  He 
then explained that if the fuel is detonated directly, that the input energy is 
5J instead of 200+ J.  They then explained that in this particular single 
explosion, the COP was 4+.  

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