From: Bob Higgins 


Their calorimetry appears to be flawed.  They have apparently modified the 
calorimeter to bring in huge current carrying conductors, and everyone knows 
that what carries current well also transports heat well…  


Good point Bob, and good post. There is almost no real science in this Mills’ 
demo- hype only. 


The heat carried by these conductors needed to be calibrated out of the 
reaction, but this was done in a way that did not account for the heat 
contained in the ejecta of the actual experiment.  The result is an 
overestimation of the heat carried out by the conductors and subsequently an 
overestimation of the COP.  


Note also the work of Santilli with similar high current experiments.  His work 
was subsequently reproduced by Kadeisvili.  Santilli showed that in high 
current discharge, LENR transmutation occurred at a reasonably high rate.  


Yes – I had forgotten about Santilli and magnegas. Santilli is very litigious 
and has patent protection. 


Matter of fact -check out Santilli US Patent # 6,540,966. That one precedes 
Mills by a decade. SunCell will almost certainly need a license from to proceed.


Actually – this provides Mills with a convenient excuse to move on to the next 
round of financing…






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