Bob just generated a fairly good description of what it will takes to determine 
the input and output energy.  Refer to his posting.  We can discuss more 
details if needed, but that is an excellent beginning.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jojo Iznart <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 8:18 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Initial Replication Attempt

Dave, you have a valid argument.
However, it might also be possible that constantan is a material able to 
catalyze an LENR (maybe hydrino transition) reaction more, hence, it would 
naturally be disintegrated in its own reaction.
It is critical that we be able to measure input power to rule out your 
argument.  Any Ideas on how to measure input power accurately?
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   David   Roberson 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 1:52   AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Initial   Replication Attempt

Note that the   constantan wire disintegrated during the test.  The implication 
is that   much more energy was deposited into it than in the other cases.  This 
  supports the proposition that some form of impedance matching is taking place 
  since the impedance of constantan is much greater than   copper.




-----Original   Message-----
From: Jack Cole <>
To: vortex-l   <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 12:06 pm
Subject:   Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Initial Replication Attempt

Thanks Jojo.
I use the same piece of wire for the control and experimental.   The only 
difference is dipping in water (and any changes related to running   the 
current through the wire on the control run).
The constantan wire disintegrated on the last experimental   trial.
On Aug 26, 2014 10:38 AM, "Jojo Iznart" <> wrote:
That's some good work Jack.
Are the wire diameters and lengths the     same?
If so, these evidences are very compelling to     me.  Randy may truly be on to 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jack Cole       
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:31       PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Initial       Replication Attempt

It does look more intense.  I also got to thinking that       the electrodes 
could have condensation on them, thus producing a little       bit of the 
effect.  After I wiped them down and did another control       run with 
electrodes only, there was very little spark/light.  One       attempt after 
wiping the electrodes, produced no spark.       

Also, the control with the wire only picks up moisture from my       fingers.  
I'll have to figure out a way to place it to minimize       that.

I tried a new run with constantan wire.  It was the most intense       light 
yet.  See the picture at the bottom of the post.


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Jojo Iznart <>       
Yeah, looks like the last two are indeed more         intense.  Could it just 
be a trick of the camera?  Does it         really look more intense in person?
If it is indeed more intense, I think Randy may         have something.... 
For those people who don't understand why I feel         the Suncell technology 
may be real, it is pictures like these that         convince me.  How do you 
explain more intense sparking when dipped         in water.  There appears to 
be no chemical explanation for         this.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jack Cole           
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014           8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell -           Initial Replication Attempt


I'll see if I can accomplish that.  In the meantime, here           are the 
results of testing.



We do get sparks without dipping in water.  The last two are           after 
dipping in water.  What do you think--more intense?



On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Jojo Iznart           <> 
consider grinding a titanium bar into powder             and then forming a 
small pellet with water.  This should be the             quintessential Mill's 
fuel pellet.  See if the spark is as             intense as Mill's suncell.
----- Original Message ----- 
From:               Jack               Cole 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26,               2014 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell -               Initial Replication Attempt

Yes, I was planning to do that.  I'll make a               video of each test 
case.  I'll try with just the electrodes,               with the copper wire 
only, and then dip it in water.               

I'm also planning to try with titanium.  It will take a               little 
work to get a small enough piece of that cut.

I'm also going to try a small piece of metal with a little               
impression drilled into it so I can place water into the               
impression.  Then I'll set the electrode into the impression               
where the water is.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 5:51 AM, Jojo               Iznart 
<>               wrote:
could you try copper wire without dipping                 in water and also 
with nothing at all. - no copper wire, just                 the electrodes.  
These would be your controls.  to                 compare it with samples with 
----- Original Message -----                   
From:                   Jack Cole 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26,                   2014 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell                   - Initial Replication Attempt

It was with a tiny piece of copper wire that I                   dipped in 
water and put between the electrodes.  The                   amount of water is 
minuscule (the amount that managed to                   adhere to the metal).  
You don't get that without the                   water.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 5:13 AM, Jojo                   Iznart 
<>                   wrote:
was that the spark with or without                     fuel (water pellets)?
----- Original Message -----                       
From:                       Jack Cole 
Sent: Tuesday, August                       26, 2014 9:15 AM
Subject: [Vo]:SunCell                       - Initial Replication Attempt

Hi Folks,
I was excited to receive my spot welder                       today.  After 
ensuring it was in working order, I                       decided to get right 
to it and see if I could get anything                       like what BLP 
showed.  Lo and behold I got something                       on the first try.  
I remembered Mills talking about all the                       different 
possibilities for types of conductors that they                       might use 
in the commercial device, and copper was one of                       them.  I 
cut a very small piece of copper wire,                       dipped it in 
water, placed it on the electrodes, hit the                       switch, and 
pop with some bright light! 
Here's a link to the vid.  Sorry for the                       bad camera work.
Let me know what you think.  I'll do                       another vid soon in 
complete darkness.  

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