In reply to  Bob Cook's message of Fri, 12 Sep 2014 07:38:24 -0700:
Hi Bob,

You may well be correct, however Eric was talking about short lived
intermediates. I was simply suggesting that he find out what they would be.

>I worry that your concern about simultaneous capture is based on energetic 
>particle interactions and cross sections associated with those interactions. 
>I consider that the probability of interactions between particles of a 
>coherent quantum system is entirely different and is controlled more by the 
>desire of the system to reach a lower energy state with low starting 
>energies of the various entities.  The fact that high energy photons or 
>neutrons are not seen in some of the LENR reactions suggests a different 
>method of conversion to thermal energy of the system.

Robin van Spaandonk

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