From Dr. Melvin Miles:

/"Jones Beene is simply wrong about the accuracy of helium-4 measurements. The laboratories that I used for my samples specialized in highly accurate helium measurements. The DOI lab in Texas could easily measure 1 ppb. The Rockwell lab with Dr.Brian Oliver was even better with an accuracy of 0.1 ppb./"


On 9/17/14, 6:41 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

I'm not comfortable being critical of Miles, who is a fine researcher. And my opinion is not based on anyone's "incompetence" nor is it based on any particular result - but on a down-to-earth understanding of mass spectrometers and what the specification and error limits actually are, and in looking at all the ways that mistakes can be made at these extremes. It's pretty basic. The challenge of this kind of measurement was always too great to handle on a small budget, and still is- when the resources are limited.

Parts per million is the limit of acceptable levels for accuracy. Sure there are few labs in the world that can possibly do better, but we are talking about cold fusion researchers with self-made gadgets and most of this work was done a decade ago. Miles was up against an intractable problem and we should thank him for being completely up front about it.

But let's not forget he is talking about a few PARTS PER BILLION. It does not matter how well or how many times you calibrate -- there is no acceptable measurement technique which can derive accuracy at this kind of helium dilution. None of the other 16, 18 or whatever number of measurements - which have purportedly taken place, were robust enough to have made the amount of helium which is needed in order to get the dilution level up to ppm... without extreme "enrichment," and that is where the problem lies.

Getting the He/D2 ratio higher prior to measurement is what few want to talk about in detail. To make things worse, much worse -- there is a technique for bringing samples up from ppb to ppm which is called "gettering" or NEG (non evaporable gettering). It can introduce order of magnitude errors.


Ruby Carat <>
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