Great Peter,

I am really looking forward to seeing Crystalzilla in action.  I have a great
need for something like this.

I also wanted to let you know that I had to re-build my system to 32bit because
I was having too many problems getting CrystalSpace to work in 64bit.  I was
smart enough to leave myself a nice Gentoo64 partition though ;-)

Couple that on top of the fact that while I was drinking rum about a week and a
half ago...I managed to lose all common sense and ended up falling and breaking
a couple of ribs...

While I am still working on getting my dev system up-to-date I am also planning
to start on my project (VR Security) again once that is done...

I have to catch up on my documentation on sourceforge and will post a link to
the list for anyone else who might be interested in helping to get it running.

Talk to you all soon,

Quoting Peter Amstutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hash: SHA1
> <message method="core:status-update"
>           to="vip://"
>           from="vip://">
> <data>
> I've put together a new development system.  It's a dual Opteron 248 (2.2
> GHz) running AMD64 Debian and 32 bit Windows XP.  It can compile a CVS
> checkout of Firefox in less than five minutes :-)
> I'm still getting a few rough edges smoothed out with driver issues, but
> otherwise I'm ready to get back to VOS development.  Here's what I'm
> looking at doing soon:
>   * Getting physics to work.  I have a mostly working client-side
> implementation, but I need to change avatar movement so that the avatar is
> pushed around by applying forces rather than setting the avatar's position
> directly.  It's also probably going to have to be initially locked so that
> only the avatar has physics applied, no pushing boxes around, because if
> physics is on the client side how to you figure out who's authoratatively
> responsibe for setting the position of objects on the server?
>   * Crystalzilla.  You guys have no idea how much email I've recieved about
> this work, and it hasn't even worked right in over a year.  I want to
> resurrect it, and I finally have a computer that can compile Mozilla fast
> enough that working on it again is feasable.
> Physics is the milestone for doing the next release, so I want to get that
> in so that I can start working on that.  I should be able to build ia32,
> amd64 and Windows installer packages, so that covers the operating systems
> I care about :-)  Also need to check bugzilla for major errors / useful
> feature requests and see if there is anything else that should go into the
> release.
> Reed: VRML!!!  Where are the screenshots of the Cyworx sites running in
> Ter'Angreal you promised?  :-)
> </data>
> </message>
> (As for the XML bracketing of this message, I'm just being silly.  We
> don't have an SMTP gateway yet.  Lalo, how's that going? :-)
> [   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
> [Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
> [ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
> [ ][ pgpkey:  18C21DF7 ]
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFCuBA+aeHUyhjCHfcRAo0HAKChpq1xH1YcGjdum+L/ng1+9u1fcwCfSA1X
> qkzHeY3uldA1MyHBHQ+PCbo=
> =vFrS
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