On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 11:50:22AM -0700, Ken Taylor wrote:
> So some further investigation has revealed that the problem I've been having
> with the wxglcanvas is an issue of keyboard focus. For some reason, the
> canvas never gets the keyboard focus in ter'angreal when using my compiled
> wxgl.dll. Same deal with wxtest (there's a weird 1x1 window that has the
> focus by default. If I remove that window, so the canvas is the only window,

If I recall correctly, the weird 1x1 window had something to do with 
getting the layout to work.  I think if a panel only had one child, it 
wanted to resize the child to be the full size of the panel which I 
didn't want.

> and therefore must have the focus, everything works fine!). The
> wxwidgets/samples/opengl/cube application works fine, but it's the only
> window as well, so I can't tell yet if it's a wxwidgets or a CS issue.
> So what I conclude from this is that -- for some reason -- there was 
> some code in the wxgl.dll included with the binary installation 
> package for windows that automatically sets the focus to the canvas 
> on mouse events (or there's some windows property on the canvas or 
> one of its parents that causes this to happen -- but as far as I 
> could tell the windows properties were identical). Perhaps an older 
> version of wxwidgets did this automatically, and they removed it? 
> Perhaps the solution is simply to manage the focus explicitly in 
> Ter'angreal?

Ah!  It's entirely possible that I patched my copy of wxgl for just 
this problem and didn't get that change into the source tree I 
distributed.  I'll look into that.  I last worked on this almost 
exactly a year ago so I don't remember the details very well, 
especially since I was trying to get a installer release out in a 
hurry.  I'm pretty sure this was also before we had migrated to bzr 
and created our own crystalspace fork, so change tracking was a bit 
more difficult...

Isn't cross platform development fun?

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
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