Reed Hedges wrote:

> With s5 we've talked about tweaking the A3DL object model a bit for
> various reasons. One thing we can do is make A3DL "line up" with
> X3D/VRML a bit better, which would help with loading VRML into a VOS
> server.
> Another possability I'd be interested in looking at is if SWMP is
> suitable for plugging in as an alternative transport protocol

Heh... I just was thinking about something like this while doing the dishes
(I always get some good thinking done while doing chores) -- Just like
HyperVOS lets you access VObject content through HTTP, couldn't there be an
omnivos plugin that lets you access VObject/A3DL content via SWMP? Obviously
this would require a robust X3D conversion mechanism, but such a plugin
would allow a virtual world accessible by both SWMP and VIP clients, and the
avatars using the different systems could even see each other and interact.
Though some features might only be usable over VIP (such as editing
VObjects... I'm guessing SWMP doesn't have a mechanism for modifying content
in the world. But it may, and that'd be pretty cool!).


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