can someone sum up what's going on with this project?  Is there going to be
some sort of H-anim importer to VOS?  Or some other X3D compatibility


--- chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Siggraph Mass Avatar Mash (SMAM) 2Do
>  Updated 10 May 07
> Here are the various task areas I would like help with, for the rest of
> May
> at least. For more information pls look at the online "blat":
> Tasking 1. May
> 1.1Find/allocate servers for prototypingprovide server resources
> look for sponsors - I'm getting some ppl saying they might sponsor.
>  1.2 Collect together a set of public avatars to use and test them (we
> want
> to ensure there are no scripts that would bog a client down and they all
> basically work). collect and test avatars. We want good
> looking/interesting
> ones but not too heavy on scripting/processor.
> May want someone who can vet avatars during the event too, as some ppl may
> want to use ones they created for the event at the last minute.
>  1.3 Work out a simple protocol for streaming avatar movements over tcp/ip
> or udp (or both). analyse protocol proposals, test existing protocol code,
> suggest what else  needs to be done.
>  1.4 Choose one or more server software components to test client-server
> comms and server-server comms. looking for tcp/ip and udp software for
> this.
>  1.5 Choose some client software to run tests on. This may not be a big
> issue as there should be multiple clients to choose from. But someone
> might
> want to periodically run tests and let us know which ones work best, look
> best etc.
>  1.6 Run server-server tests and client-server tests. do some server
> prototyping.
>  1.7 Analysis, planning next month. 1.8 Organise booth(s) at siggraph show
> floor. My company (Systemic) is putting some money in, what about yours?
> I'm doing this with Rita atm.
>  1.9 UI for login and avatar selection. Prepare simple online page for
> logging in and selecting avatar then loading world.
> The login part does not have to be secure and maybe we can even do without
> it?
> It will have to communicate the entry of another avatar into the world to
> a
> server program - it may not have to be on the same host
> 1.10 Client side design For those who wan to help here, pls check out what
> is on the blat then see what you can come up with.
> -- 
> --
> It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.
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