On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 06:01:30PM +0000, Lalo Martins wrote:
> Also spracht Reed Hedges (Fri, 07 Dec 2007 10:57:10 -0500):
> > Oh, ok, then my sketch is not really SOD, just a similar thing. Sorry
> > for apropriating the name.  I didn't know that you implemented your
> > format (or forgot).  Why wasn't it merged into the main S4 repository?
> Hmm... ehn... that's a good question :-P didn't even think about it.  
> Guess s5 came around before I could "finish" it?
> > I couldn't access your bzr repository, can you maybe post an example SOD
> > file just so those of us getting nervous about editing all that XML can
> > relax a bit :)
> Ah yes, the repository was in a temporary location... I now pushed it to 
> http://interreality.org/~lalo/bzr/sod (or for those who can, bzr+ssh://
> interreality.org/home/lalo/bzr/sod).  I also checked it out there, so you 
> can actually see the source by going to the same URL; the example is at 
> http://interreality.org/~lalo/bzr/sod/doc/examples/3dworld-blocks.sod

Looks nice. My only comments are that the ...end syntax is a bit unexpected
(would have used braces, and/or allow a block to be on one line with some
seperator other than newline, like ;), and was initially confused as to what 
"with:" meant.  Also, to give a property a value and a type you must use 
with:...end, right, you can't have a one-line property with a type?

But anyway, it's nice and minimal and would be a good addition to VOS, I'll add
it to xplanner or something.


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