On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 12:29 +0800, Ted Burbidge wrote:
> Rod,  You don't really think Mac World are going to publish anything that is
> not in Apples favour do you.???   It is bound to be biased in Apple/Macs
> favour, as that's the market segment where they derive their advertising
> income.

While true, I think that the arguments made there are actually /valid/
and /reasonable/. I'm not used to that from pro-Mac articles :-P

I must confess the new mac actually has me a little tempted. As someone
who is not a mac fan (though a mac would be my second choice behind
Linux), I'm rather impressed. The only issue that it'd be a bit gutless
for software development, even with upgraded RAM, and that's the main
thing I'd want a mac for. Oh well, it's made to be small and cheap, not

I wonder how well it'd run InDesign ...

I do think the article's points on price comparisons are quite sensible,
with the possible exception of the discussion of FireWire (costs almost
nothing, and relatively few people not using Macs actually use it). It's
also a bit silly to label a mac 'AirPort Ready' and the Dell with 'No
wireless' when the Dell has perfectly good PCI slots - making it about
as 'Airport Ready' as the Mac. Oh well, that's just a nitpick.

Craig Ringer