depends on whether the drive has had a mechanical failure or whether the directory is fragged. Sounds more like mechanical. I would put it n a firewire case and try to access it with something like Disk Warrior first and if it doesn't talk to that then Data Recovery X would be next. If it doesn't spin up at all then you are limited to paying data recovery experts big dollars to read the platters. Anthony at Computer Trade Centre is not bad at stuff like this and will be able to tell you if it's dead or not.

On 21/03/2005, at 8:47 PM, Callum Prior wrote:

I have a 120Gb Htiachi Deskstar hard drive (my main drive) that started making a terrible clicking sound then a clunk last night.

I immediately shut down, thinking it might have been the heat and tried starting up later with no luck, just the clicking noise and failure to recognise the drive. The machine just wouldn't start.

Now, I do have backups, but I'd really like to get hold of the stuff I was working on at the time this happened (I'm four weeks away from a national tour with the band and thus feverishly working away).

Anyone had any experience with this kind of thing? Is it worth taking the drive into my local Apple Store / Apple repairer, or will I need to go to a data recovery company?

Any help or advice you can offer would me very much appreciated.


Callum Prior

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