That sounds like a head crash i'm afraid. Usually the final word in dead hard drives ;\ Had it happen three times to different external SCSI IBM drives before i decided to never touch IBM again.

I may be possible to hit the drive to get the heads mobile again though you are looking for a real professional to even think about that one. You will probably have to pay for data backup and some very high price (i had to just bin my drives when they crashed). Data recovery will probably have to remove the platters and use a deckstar controller to get the info off.

If it ever does work briefly start backing up onto anything cause the drive is still in a very bad shape.


I've heard an old story of mac techies sitting down a Mac Classic with crashed heads on a swivel chair and spinning it very fast then stopping it abruptly to get the heads to move again. I think the comedy of that story was walking into a room with two techies learing over a mac classic on a swivel chair and spinning it like mad.. NOW YOU WILL TALK MURHAHAHHA