Wez wrote:

If it ever does work briefly start backing up onto anything cause the drive is still in a very bad shape.

The original IBM, now Hitachi, Desk(Death)Star failed in our G3 some time back. Different symptoms though, no noises, just an inability to read or write with the drive and running very slowly.

We were in a tiz. We hadnt backed up (of course).
We could "see" everything on the drive, we just couldnt move anything.

Then I tried Toast.
Blow me down, it was able to write disks!!
20+ CDs later we were most thankful I can tell you.

The drive did in fact go on to make horrible clicks a little later in a spare PC.

If you ever wondered what folk mean when they talk about computing's "Dark Side", need you look further than a "DeathStar"?
