On 31/10/2005, at 11:38 AM, Greg Pennefather wrote:

Dear all

Since yesterday I have not been able to connect to web sites using https. Safari reports that it can't make a secure connection. The 2 sites I have tried are Bankwest and eTrade. I connect to these sites daily and they have
been working fine for years.

Sometimes ....... a file in Cache , or a Cookie can be corrupt to effect how the
Browser works .

So go to Safari  drop down menu and  " Empty Cache "

and go to  Safari preferences -> Security -> Show Cookies -> Remove All

then DO  a RESTART .

Be advised that Removing all cookies will require you to setup again at some sites
which you used to get to automatically  .....  !! ??

The only other thing I can think of is with Java .... you may need to clear
preferences there.

Also it would be good to scan for Virus etc


I have used Firefox 1.5 to connect successfully to both.

I have restarted my Ti PB 550 running OS X 10.3.9 and repaired permissions
with no improvement.

Does anyone have any ideas how to get this working again? Or why it would have stopped yesterday given that I haven't changed anything on my machine?

Thanks for your help



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