Begin forwarded message:

From: Robert Howells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 9 March 2006 10:56:56 PM
To: Kerryn Kotz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Panther on B&W G3

OK !
Last thing first: I asked for the birth date as a check against the model number
and description.

That all checks out OK , and the Mactracker info says your firmware version should be the right one.

A little advice : Depending on what you wish to do with the Mac , it can be helpful to partition the Hard drive so that you can load 9.2.2 on one and OSX on the other. This will allow you flexibility to boot from either and you can still use that same 9.2.2 as the Classic OS
 if you wish.

I have hacked about putting OSX on a lot of older stuff and I found it very difficult to load Panther on a G3 300 . Jaguar seems to load a lot easier on that speed Mac . I had no trouble getting Panther on a G3 350., but it was very slow installing.

It is a known fact that Panther is very picky with Ram to the point that it will not run on some Ram that
 Jaguar is quite happy with.

If you have some Jaguar disks you might try to start from the Jaguar CD and see how you fare there.

As to Partitioning the Hard drive, you should be able to fit the OSX Panther into 4.5 Gb with 1.5Gb for the OS9.2 , but you should find that you are very restricted with what you can do with the Mac .

If you get a bigger Hard Drive then OSX does need to be on the 1st Partition and the partition AND its INDEX needs to be No bigger than 8Gb. You need to make the partition a bit less than the 8 .

Hope that helps


On 9 Mar 2006, at 10:11 PM, Kerryn Kotz wrote:

wow you are perceptive through text :P

Okay its a G3 300mhz using a Rev A logic board. I've seen two other models with faster processors come through my way and panther installed and ran fine on them, this one seems to be different. I'm trying to put Panther on its 6 gig HD. It runs 9.2.2 no probs and like the subject states it's a Blue and White model meaning its USB and firewire based. Seems like the perfect candidate for pantherfication :P

its birthday according to the specs on back is 27/2/99

On 09/03/2006, at 9:50 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 9 Mar 2006, at 9:07 PM, Kerryn Kotz wrote:

Can anyone tell me why my G3 300mhz unit with 256MB RAM doesn't boot on Mac OS X start up disc or copies on the HD? It just sits with the Apple Logo and spinning disc thing :P


It seems like you are a bit frustrated , otherwise you would realise asking us a question without providing clues is just as good as asking " How long is a piece of string ? "

Now to your problem :

1.      Has this ever run on PANTHER  ?
2.      Have you tried to boot on OS9xx and with what result ?
3.      What version of G3 300 ?  Does it have USB or is it Scsi ?
4       What year of manufacture ?

More questions after we get those answered  !


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