On 23 Apr 2006, at 6:02 PM, KEVIN Lock wrote:

I am with iinet on broadband 1 Lite (1500bps download). After a dozen different speed tests I cannot get past 415bps. I am about 5 kilometres from the Spearwood exchange and this area is serviced by twin pair gain wiring ...whatever that means.


IINET should be able to tell you what that means ! twin " pair gain "
 probably means you are on some sort of Multiplex system
and you will probably never get your 1.5MB .

You probably could pay less for a lower grade service from IINET and get the same speed


have done the isolation thingo by turning off all telephones etc and shutting down modem and Mac for 5 minutes but it is still the same.

My modem (D-Link DSL 300) is getting a bit long in the tooth, but I figure there cannot be any problems with it as I am getting data down, albeit slower than I am paying for.

Anyone have any ideas for me?

Thanks in advance.


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