On 4 May 2006, at 2:17 PM, Paul Chong wrote:

Hi Bob,
I am what you'll call a "computer illiterate". I hope this is the picture you require.
<Picture 1.pdf>

YES !  That is perfect .
It confirms that your device is a Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104

Meaning that it should definitely read a DVD
( Stranger things have happened , like trying to read a DVD on a CD drive )

I gather other DVD's do mount .

Conclusion :  Your DVD reader does not like the DVD disk .

I am out of suggestions at the moment , although if you had Roxio Toast , it's possible it might see & open the DVD disc so you could get at the information.


The DVD-ROM with the specifications mentioned here below in my previous email just won't open in my iMac (Mac OS X Version 10.3.9 Processor 800 MHz Power PC G4 Memory 256 MB SDRAM).

So let's just know what does happen :

Does the DVD mount on the Desktop ?


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