On 6 May 2006, at 5:30 PM, bill cole wrote:

Thanks Robert, I've got the same "specs" but I'm on "cable" I turned off IPV 6, and it certainly speeds mine up, I haven't a clue what IPV 6 does, or, what it doesn't do for me now that I've switched it off! , I wonder if you could give a short summary, I'm always interested in what you write
Thanks a lot

Hi Bill,

I have not yet learned about IPV 6 , so i am unable to help with a short summary at this time. The tip came from a Mac user who had mailed in to a site I regularly visit to read about these sorts of things . The site is updated daily ( except Sunday's ) with many snippets of news and reviews of software and hardware .

Just go to :-   < http://www.macintouch.com/>
and follow your interest .

The article and other similar mails about Safari are here :=

You will see the link has May05 at the end .
So the link will take you to a large file and position your screen at mails for May 5th.
It's interesting also to read the mails on days previous to that.

Have fun


On 06/05/2006, at 9:40 AM, Robert Howells wrote:

If you think Safari is running slow , try this :-
Turning that IPV 6 off made a big difference in all the regular sites I visit.

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