On 06/05/2006, at 10:23 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Robert,

Another suggestion to improve Safari's speed in OSX10.4 :

 10.4: Possibly improve Safari's speed by disabling RSS

<http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? story=20060408001318879&query=safari>

Use an application like Safari Enhancer to enable Safari's Debug menu. Then launch Safari, go to the Debug menu, then select Turn Off RSS Support, and follow the instructions. Optionally, go to your bookmarks and select RSS feeds from the sidebar. Delete them, or copy them to an alternative RSS reader.

I agree with Ronni's idea that disabling RSS feeds is worth a try in speeding up Safari. I have done so and believe it has made some speed improvement. However I have enabled the Debug menu through a terminal command. I would always rather use the OS's own apps where I can than add a third party app which is basically only a GUI wrapper for terminal commands. AFAIK Safari Enhancer is just such a GUI wrapper and has itself been suspected of causing some slow down of Safari by some users. No, I can't give you exact references but if you search the Apple Discussion boards you will find many references where Safari Enhancer is suspected of such slow down. But, as usual, if it is working fine for you, then OK.

To enable the Debug menu here is the Terminal command:

defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1

You need to quit Safari, type in the command, hit Enter, then relaunch Safari.

To remove the Debug menu; same procedure but change the 1 to 0.

I think you can also do this with Tinker Tool but I do not have that app.

To Bill Cole:

Thanks for the info about the multiple messages. I don't have IPv6 turned off so that can't be the reason. Lately there have been a few instances where I have received duplicate emails [same date, time, from address] on a few lists including this one. Only occurs sporadically. Undoubted voodoo.



Peter Sealy