On 06/05/2006, at 9:40 AM, Robert Howells wrote:

If you think Safari is running slow , try this :-

From Macintouch today 7.5.06

Rolf Drommer
Until recently I had no complaints about Safari. There was the occasional slowness, but nothing to get really upset about.
However the last couple of days it got worse.

After reading along here, I decided to see what would happen if I changed my network settings.

In the Network panel of preferences, selected my built in Ethernet and turned off IPV6. Wow, things zip along now.
Running 10.4.6 on iMac G5 1.8 GHz with 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM on ADSL.

Turning that IPV 6 off made a big difference in all the regular sites I visit.

Hi Robert,

Another suggestion to improve Safari's speed in OSX10.4 :

 10.4: Possibly improve Safari's speed by disabling RSS

<http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? story=20060408001318879&query=safari>

Use an application like Safari Enhancer to enable Safari's Debug menu. Then launch Safari, go to the Debug menu, then select Turn Off RSS Support, and follow the instructions. Optionally, go to your bookmarks and select RSS feeds from the sidebar. Delete them, or copy them to an alternative RSS reader.

Car'n The Pies