Hi Peter,

Sometimes just Quit "Airport Utility" if it doesn't find TC, then Open Time 
Capsule again and see if it Time Capsule is then showing.

You certainly shouldn't have to be sitting near to Time Capsule and you don't 
need to connect by Ethernet once you have setup your Network.
You can make changes to the Network through Airport Utility over wireless.


On 14/01/2010, at 9:54 AM, Crisp, Peter wrote:

> Ronnie, I tried all this last night around midnight. The instructions you 
> gave were clear, and I put all the settings per your note followed 
> explicitly. When I went to “Update” – the response was “Time Capsule cannot 
> be found, would you like to rescan”? So I did, and the “not found” message 
> repeated back to me over and over. I quit at that point due to lack of 
> patience and sleep, I was in the same range as all other successful wireless 
> traffic till now from the TC so I am unsure why the Update command did not 
> get acknowledged by the TC, I might try being sat next to it next time or 
> even an Ethernet connection (even though I shouldn’t have to).
> Cheers
> Peter….
> Kind Regards,
> Peter Crisp, Associate, BE Mech
> (Phone + 61 8 9428 5437
> 2Fax + 61 8 9428 5555
> ÈMob 0402 001 019
> ?E-mail pcr...@hatch.com.au
> Website <http://www.hatch.com.au/>
> From: wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au [mailto:wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au] On Behalf Of 
> Ronda Brown
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2010 9:29 PM
> To: WAMUG Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Bluetooth Magic Mouse
> Hi Peter,
> Without knowing how you setup your Time Capsule Wireless Network originally.
> I'm assuming you followed the Instructions that came with Time Capsule to 
> setup a Dual Band Network with WPA2 encryption.
> To change the Wireless Mode:
> 1. Open Airport Utility
> 2. Double click your Time Capsule Network (in Left Column)
> 3. Then click the "Wireless" button
> 4. Have "Allow this network to be extended" ticked
> 5. Radio Mode: what do you have selected? ... is it Automatic? 
>     Radio Mode: You can change it to "802.11n only (5 GHZ - 802.11b/g/n" ... 
> you might have to hold "Option" & click to display this.
> 6. Radio Channel Selection: Automatic
> Click Update, and wait until your Time Capsule restarts and appears in 
> Airport Utility.
> Then check if your MacBook is connecting to the 802.11n ... Hold down the 
> "option" key on your keyboard while you click the fan shaped Airport icon at 
> the top of your screen. It should now be PHY Mode: 802.11n
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 12/01/2010, at 8:56 PM, Crisp, Peter wrote:
> Hi Ronnie, I managed to verify that my Transmit Rate is 54 – so I am on “g” 
> level speeds. I have had a look around the Airport and unable to see how I 
> can reset to “n” speeds. I presume it’s easy once I find it. Is it a setting 
> on the Macbook or a setting on the Time Capsule I need to alter?
> How do I alter it?
> Thanks
> Peter…
> From: wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au [mailto:wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au] On Behalf Of 
> Ronda Brown
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2010 1:23 PM
> To: WAMUG Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Bluetooth Magic Mouse
> Hi Peter,
> You have the new iTB Time Capsule which is a Dual Band  (5GHz/2.4GHz), so 
> your MacBook should be connecting to the faster "n" band.
> You probably setup yas "Automatic" Radio Mode.
> To verify if your MacBook is connecting to the faster "n" band:
> Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard while you click the fan shaped 
> Airport icon at the top of your screen. 
> Look for Transmit Rate.
>  A value of 54 indicates that the network is operating at "g" level speeds. 
> 70-80 and up indicates that you are at faster "n" speeds. 
> My MacBook Pro Transmit Rate is always around 270.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 12/01/2010, at 12:51 PM, Crisp, Peter wrote:
> Thanks for that Ronni. The Macbook/mouse is located within 10m (as the crow 
> flies) of the Time Capsule and logistically it is hard in my house to get 
> outside Bluetooth range (>~10m) of the TC. I will move outside Bluetooth 
> range of the TC next time it happens to see if it “frees- up”.
> “Changing the wireless settings to 5GHz/N” – how do I know if I am or am not 
> on this currently? How do I change this? Is this in the Time Capsule settings?
> Thanks again.
> Peter…
> From: wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au [mailto:wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au] On Behalf Of 
> Ronda Brown
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2010 12:20 PM
> To: WAMUG Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Bluetooth Magic Mouse
> On 12/01/2010, at 11:56 AM, Crisp, Peter wrote:
> I am a recent poster and a Mac newbie so coming up to speed having been PC 
> for many years. I recently purchased a Macbook 13” and with it I have a Time 
> Capsule 1TB and a Magic Mouse. From previous postings on the WAMUG I 
> downloaded the MagicPrefs and see it opens up lots of potential with the 
> Magic Mouse. So far I am using the Magic Mouse as a ‘simple’ mouse ie pointer 
> moving around and Left and Right click. Occasionally after the Macbook goes 
> to Sleep, wakening it up by wiggling the mouse brings the Macbook back to 
> life, whereupon the Macbook goes into Time Machine backup mode – if it is 
> more than 1 hour since the last backup. While this is happening the mouse 
> works ONLY AS A POINTER. No amount of clicking on the Left or Right side 
> enables any selection to happen – neither does the trackpad during this time 
> enable any selections. I had to resort to a “hard crash” by holding down the 
> power button to kick off again from scratch. Eventually I was able to restore 
> mouse functioning with Left/Right button operation working properly. I tried 
> “Force Quit” of all running programs and using the up/down arrows and Enter, 
> was able to Force Quite everything, but still no joy.
> Has anyone else had this experience, what are the simple guides for a newbie 
> to undertake to correct this aberration for good? Is this a known phenomenon 
> or am I unique in my experinces here?
> Thanks for any help
> Regards
> Peter Crisp….
> Hi Peter,
> Welcome to WAMUG Mailing List. 
> The problem 'could' be too many wireless traffic.How far away from the Time 
> Capsule are you using the Magic Mouse?
> Try moving further away from Time Capsule, where you use the mouse, or change 
> the wireless settings to 5Ghz/N (is also a lot faster).
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
> 2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
> OS X 10.6.2 Snow Leopard
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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