Hi Paul,

No-one is being a "Critic," no-one is intending to make anyone feel guilty!

What you have said below is correct, it is my choice whether I respond to WAMUG 
Mailing list questions or not.

The people who are showing concern for me know how hard and the long hours I 
work. As well as assisting on WAMUG I also have my "Clients" to look after.
They also know that I over extend myself and start to "Burn Out," sometimes 
resulting in me having to leave WAMUG for a while.

I am my worst enemy ... I find it extremely hard to not help people, I guess 
you could say obsessed with helping people, this is my nature, and I'm too old 
to change my ways. What I have to "try" to do is regain some balance ;-) 

What I find difficult and so time consuming with WAMUG, is a lot of people (not 
all), don't give enough information with their first email to the list.
What Operating System, the Specifications of their computer, what version of 
the Application they are having the problem with, when did the problem arise 
(after an update or install of anything new). Also a good "Subject" heading for 
their problem so people can search the Archives.
We who are trying to help, then have to email back & forward to gain the 
information, so we can help solve the problem. 
Sometimes it is as hard as "Pulling Teeth" to eventually "Get the whole story".

The "Guidelines and Etiquette" of WAMUG Mailing list link is on the bottom of 
every WAMUG email, which is similar to above.

I believe in WAMUG and don't wish to see if ever disband. And yes, I do enjoy 
helping WAMUG.

Kind Regards,


On 18/01/2010, at 7:50 AM, Paul Weaver wrote:

> As far as I am aware, Ronnie can choose to reply to whatever queries she 
> wishes. Her expertise and interest in supporting this forum is unquestioned. 
> My impression is that she participates in the polite technical discourse 
> because she enjoys it. It is always appreciated. Neither she or the people 
> she responds to deserve to be made to feel guilty about this.  Recently she 
> has been assisting me. Before I posted my initial query I did search the 
> archives without success. Perhaps the critics could be more active in sharing 
> their own personal expertise with modern Apple operating systems?
> Kind wishes, Paul. :)
> Dr Paul R. Weaver
> http://fremantlebiz.livejournal.com/calendar

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