Hi Peter,

I’m sorry about the confusion I caused you, I’m not sure I understand myself at 
the moment ;-)
I’ve been having “one of those days”, which has been going on for almost a week 
now :-(

CheckUp for Mac version 3.0.2 is optimized for OS X 10.7 Lion.

Now you have deleted any InputManagers your Mac should be more stable  … unless 
there is other underlying problems.


On 08/08/2011, at 3:36 PM, Curtis Peter wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> Thanks for that, I was just about to send the email below when I got your 
> second one. Explains things for me.
> Regards
> Peter
> Hi Ronni
> I'm not quite sure that I understand you!
> According to CheckUp (in the  it does work in Snow Leopard and Lion.
> There is no file named com.app4mac.CheckUpAgent in the /Library/LaunchDeamons 
> file
> I may have got this mixed up as it appears part of you email is missing?
> Looking in the file Barry Sextone suggested found LCC Scroll Enhancer Loader 
> folder with LCC Scroll Enhancer Loader.bundle in it. Removing this to the 
> trash removed the alert from CheckUp.
> I'm still not sure why the InputManagers folder didn't show up in the find 
> search?
> Regards
> Peter 

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