For some reason Mail has triplicates of recent received messages from 1 Sept to 8 Sept.
1. Mail has now 931 unread triplicate messages.
2. I cannot delete them.
3. I have trashed the ‘Envelope Index’ but Mail crashes when I launch Mail, (looks like it is trying to import and rebuild about 12,000 messages before it quits). 4. As nothing has happened I have put the ‘Envelope Index’ back into Mail (Users>Library>Mail)
5. I have done the "rebuild" and synchronise" account.
6. I have to send this from my iBook because I can't receive or send emails now. The hard drive is getting full and I have tried to clear some space but perhaps it is not enough to enable Mail to rebuild. (My quick solution is to go to Officeworks this morning and get an external to clear a lot more space on the hard drive OR if the group can suggest somewhere else to get an external quickly, I have to do this anyway because the drive is getting towards capacity)
Thanks, Rick
Tiger 10.4.11

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