On 08/09/2011, at 12:44 PM, Robert Miller-Eves wrote:

> I've been experiencing a similar problem since beginning of September! 
> Some-not all- messages are duplicating,in particular,Wamug stuff.I clear my 
> Server of messages every day and maintain a low level of messages in my Mail 
> App. OS 10.6.8 iMac 27" 3.2 Ghz Intel Core i3  Curious!

Hi Robert,

What have you tried to correct the problem of duplicate emails?
Have you checked that the messages ARE being cleared from the Server?
Check In Mail, open  ‘Get Account Info' window by choosing it from the Action 
menu (gear icon) located below the Mailbox list in the main Mail window. 
Do the messages that Mail keeps downloading repeatedly appear there?
If they are, select them and choose ‘Remove From Server’.

If you have Rules set to move WAMUG messages into a Mailbox named WAMUG?
If so, have you tried selecting the WAMUG Mailbox, then go to Mailbox (Menu) > 

If that doesn’t solve the problem, quit Mail, navigate to ~/Library/Mail and 
drag the file Envelope Index to the Trash. 
When you launch Mail again, it’ll tell you that you need to “reimport” all your 
Let it do so—it’s recreating your envelope index from scratch, but don’t worry, 
you won’t lose any data, such as labels or message status and when it finishes, 
your mailboxes should behave correctly.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
OS X 10.7 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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