Hello all

I have upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion and was about to switch Time 
Machine back "on".   But Time Machine in System Preferences shows oldest backup 
= none and latest backup = none.  WAMUG discussion on the Lion upgrade stated 
that T.M. backups would just continue to accumulate as normal.   Does this hold 
true with Mountain Lion?

The last step in "Ronni's tutorial" is to let Time Machine complete a full 
backup.   Does this mean it will not be a normal incremental backup, but a new 

A simulated Restore from Time Machine in Mountain Lion seems to show the 
history of Snow Leopard backups, so the data is presumably still accessible. 

(The 4 GB OS X download was fine - but then another 3 GB of App upgrades was 
too much!)

Regards, Alan

Alan Smith
  iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.8
  iPad2; ATV2

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