Ok, Still not getting there with terminal. step 3 - the word "Data" is not 
something I see in Finder. After selecting "Joannes Time Capsule" Finder 
presents "Time Capsule" and "Maxtor" being the USB connect 1TB drive at the 
Time Capsule. I don't see "Data". If I select "Time Capsule", I see the three 
sparesebundle files for each of the 3 Macbooks.

Notwithstanding that I went to Terminal and typed commands per below and I get 
"No such file or directory".



On 05/08/2012, at 12:55 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> Sounds like a bit of a mess up. 
> Yes, Time Capsule does use the MAC Address of the computer not the computer 
> name.
> To delete the User's User.sparsebundle.
> 1. Turn Off Time Machine in System 
> 2. In Finder under Shared select Time Capsule disk
> 3. Then click  "Data". 
> 4.Launch Terminal, then type these commands:
> cd /Volumes/Data
> ls
> That's a lower-case letter "L" at the beginning of that last command. 
> You should see all your "sparsebundle" volumes.
> Then type this command (including a trailing space) but do NOT yet press 
> "return":
> sudo rm -rf 
> 5. Now open the "Data" volume. Drag the "sparsebundle" file you want to 
> delete from the "Data" volume's Finder window to the Terminal window. 
> This should cause the path and name of the volume you want to delete to be 
> copied into the Terminal window. 
> 6. Now select the Terminal window. 
> Double-check that the correct "sparsebundle" file is in the command, then 
> press "return". 
> You'll be prompted for your administrative password.
> As a general rule, if you are manipulating file/folder names with "special" 
> characters, the whole file/folder name should be double quoted.
> Dragging the file from a Finder window to the Terminal adds double quotes as 
> needed.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 05/08/2012, at 12:36 PM, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi Carlo, thanks for persevering with me. I did the Disk verify and 
>> permissions repair - there was one identified issue to do with a group code 
>> being wrong - not sure if that relates to my problem or not. In any case it 
>> is now repaired. At this point I have tried with Terminal to delete the 
>> User's.sparesbundle from all 3 MB's independently and each of them replies 
>> after step 2 below with "-bash: :$ command not found". So I can't delete 
>> with terminal at the moment. However, the order of steps is slightly altered 
>> when compared with your earlier instructions in that I did the OSX install 
>> prior to the disk verify/repair steps. Does this matter?
>> Still unable to delete the sparesebundle and also unable to mount the time 
>> machine disc image.
>> I think you indicated earlier there is an instal process to fix the "bash" 
>> issue I am having.
>> Regards
>> Pete...
>> On 05/08/2012, at 12:05 PM, cm wrote:
>>> Just for reference sake, here is the process you can try to delete the 
>>> sparse bundle. Note if you can't do this from your 9yo's computer you can 
>>> try it from one of the other computers.
>>> 1) In Finder mount the Time Capsule by clicking on it in the Finder 
>>> sidebar. Navigate to the Data directory but no need to do anything further 
>>> in Finder.
>>> 2) In Terminal now do the following
>>> $ cd /Volumes/Data
>>> 3) At this point type
>>> $ ls -l
>>> and you should see User's.sparsebundle or whatever it is called
>>> 4) Still in terminal type
>>> $ sudo rm -rf <sparse bundle name>
>>> Where <sparse bundle name> is the name from step 3)
>>> Good luck!
>>> Carlo
>>> On 05/08/2012, at 11:56 , cm <cm200...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Pete,
>>>> My hosting service seems to be temporarily offline so pardon the posting 
>>>> from a older email address.
>>>> Things seem to have got away from you a little. You had successfully 
>>>> applied the update to 10.5.4. At that point you had a working computer 
>>>> with all your data! I personally would not have wiped the data as there is 
>>>> little benefit to a clean install if you intend to use data migration 
>>>> assistant to bring all the cruft back.
>>>> To take stock, you now have a working computer albeit with no data an a 
>>>> non functioning Time Machine. So to try to get back on track, perhaps you 
>>>> could proceed as follows:
>>>> 1) Attempt the earlier process where you use Terminal.app to delete the 
>>>> unused sparse bundle on your Time Capsule.
>>>> 2) If that works and you get Time Machine functioning, do a Time Machine 
>>>> backup just to kick things off, even though none of your valuable data 
>>>> will be included in the backup at this point
>>>> 3) Use data migration assistant to bring back your data.
>>>> 4) Do another Time Machine backup -- this time with you data.
>>>> Let us know what you choose to do and how it goes.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Carlo
>>>>> Re: Time Machine backup
>>>>> Peter Crisp
>>>>> Sat, 04 Aug 2012 19:23:39 -0700
>>>>> Ok, just about reached end of the line for options. 
>>>>> What I did was load the OSX disc for System update only to 10.5.4 and 
>>>>> then test 
>>>>> to see if Time Machine could mount the volume- no go.
>>>>> Then my objective was to do a clean instal from the 10.5.4 OSX disc, but 
>>>>> as it 
>>>>> was already the same OSX version, I was not presented with the option to 
>>>>> do a 
>>>>> clean instal. So I did Software Update to up version to 10.5.8 which it 
>>>>> did but 
>>>>> took 5 hours through the night.
>>>>> I tried the Time Machine process again- no good.
>>>>> So, go the full Monty. Clean instal back to 10.5.4. Still no Time Machine 
>>>>> image 
>>>>> mount. Some observations though which might jog someone's memory. In the 
>>>>> Change 
>>>>> Disc dialogue box of TM I have 3 items. 
>>>>> Item 1 is an icon of the Time Capsule with a green picture with an 
>>>>> analogue 
>>>>> clock face.
>>>>> Item 2 is an icon of the Time Capsule with a blue picture of 3 people 
>>>>> holding 
>>>>> hands.
>>>>> Item 3 says None but has a red circle with a red diagonal line through it.
>>>>> But item 3 has been there for ages, well before introducing Tim's MacBook 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> the TC.
>>>>> Item 2 is the one I pick normally on Jo's MacBook and it works fine. 
>>>>> Another observation, when looking at Time Machine window on Tim's MacBook 
>>>>> it 
>>>>> states name as Name: Time Capsule and Available 525.4GB of 929.5GB. On 
>>>>> SWMBOs 
>>>>> MacBook, same window says Name: Time Capsule (Joannes-Time-Capsule) and 
>>>>> Available: 564.11GB of 998.06GB.
>>>>> It seems like there are 2 volumes or images, I really don't know what to 
>>>>> do 
>>>>> next.
>>>>> I haven't migrated Tim's data back in yet, to save me wasting time and to 
>>>>> protect it until its all settled.
>>>>> I had read somewhere that Time Capsule uses the MAC address to recognise 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> machine, in doing a clean instal the MAC address doesn't change (i think) 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> so it is still attempting to do the same as I was trying 3 days ago. As 
>>>>> same 
>>>>> MAC address means same machine to the TC. Can I change the MAC address? 
>>>>> Is 
>>>>> there a plist file somewhere I can blow away to kick start it from 
>>>>> scratch?
>>>>> WCE performance was icing on the cake last night but the rowers did a 
>>>>> great job!
>>>>> Any tips?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Pete
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