Thanks Carlo and Ronni too for direct support on this topic.

I agree with your recommended actions there Carlo, I'll get a 1TB external to 
act as temp storage of the two 'good' sparsebundles and then gradually 
reintroduce the MBs to the TC post reset. Hopefully an amicable process for all 

Will revert hopefully with a successful closure.

A positive byproduct of all this I have to say has been a much increased 
awareness for me of cloning, migration assistant, computer naming and Terminal 



On 08/08/2012, at 8:57 AM, "" 
<> wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> Just to wrap up this thread I'll summarise where we left things. It seems the 
> existing Time Capsule sparse bundle associated with you 9yo's MacBook refuses 
> to budge. In the end Time Capsule is an independent computer with its own 
> permissions and accounts. Apple attempts to keep these permissions 
> synchronised but there can be slip-ups.
> So failing deleting the old sparse bundle here is a proposed fall back 
> position:
> Obtain an external drive with enough space to store the two sparse bundles 
> you wish to keep.
> Turn off all Time Machine back up from al the computers in your house.
> Move the two good sparse bundles to an external drive for safe keeping.
> Erase the Time Capsule using Airport Utility 
> ( )
> At this point try to backup the new install of your 9yo’s computer to Time 
> Capsule, there should be nothing stopping it now. (post back if it does not 
> work)
> Copy back the other two sparse bundles to Time Capsule
> Check that the existing computers are still associated with their newly 
> reinstate sparse bundle (if not post back)
> I know you will be away for a couple of weeks, so let us know how things go 
> when you get back.
> Regards
> Carlo
> ---
> Carlo Margio
> Real World Computing
> mob: +61 404 296 965
> On 05/08/2012, at 8:55 PM, wrote:
>> Hi Pete,
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