Hi Pete,

Just to wrap up this thread I'll summarise where we left things. It seems the 
existing Time Capsule sparse bundle associated with you 9yo's MacBook refuses 
to budge. In the end Time Capsule is an independent computer with its own 
permissions and accounts. Apple attempts to keep these permissions synchronised 
but there can be slip-ups.

So failing deleting the old sparse bundle here is a proposed fall back position:
Obtain an external drive with enough space to store the two sparse bundles you 
wish to keep.
Turn off all Time Machine back up from al the computers in your house.
Move the two good sparse bundles to an external drive for safe keeping.
Erase the Time Capsule using Airport Utility 
(http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4522?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US )
At this point try to backup the new install of your 9yo’s computer to Time 
Capsule, there should be nothing stopping it now. (post back if it does not 
Copy back the other two sparse bundles to Time Capsule
Check that the existing computers are still associated with their newly 
reinstate sparse bundle (if not post back)
I know you will be away for a couple of weeks, so let us know how things go 
when you get back.


Carlo Margio
Real World Computing

mob: +61 404 296 965

On 05/08/2012, at 8:55 PM, wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> It's a pity I can log onto your computer remotely for 1 minute as I am fairly 
> certain I would be able to sort it out. But in a nutshell, your path to the 
> sparse bundle is a little different to what I would expect to see -- possibly 
> for historical reasons on your network, or possible you have you Time Capsule 
> configured with an external drive, or maybe another factor.
> Anyway, if you bear with me and send a couple of emails back, we should be 
> able to find the correct path. Could you post back the output of these two 
> terminal commands...
> 1) "cd /Volumes"
> 2) "ls -l"
> Regards,
> Carlo
> ---
> Carlo Margio
> Real World Computing
> mob: 0404 296 965
> i...@realworldcomputing.com.au
> www.realworldcomputing.com.au
> On 05/08/2012, at 13:39 , Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Ok, Still not getting there with terminal. step 3 - the word "Data" is not 
>> something I see in Finder. After selecting "Joannes Time Capsule" Finder 
>> presents "Time Capsule" and "Maxtor" being the USB connect 1TB drive at the 
>> Time Capsule. I don't see "Data". If I select "Time Capsule", I see the 
>> three sparesebundle files for each of the 3 Macbooks.
>> Notwithstanding that I went to Terminal and typed commands per below and I 
>> get "No such file or directory".
>> Hmmm
>> Pete.
>> On 05/08/2012, at 12:55 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Pete,
>>> Sounds like a bit of a mess up. 
>>> Yes, Time Capsule does use the MAC Address of the computer not the computer 
>>> name.
>>> To delete the User's User.sparsebundle.
>>> 1. Turn Off Time Machine in System 
>>> 2. In Finder under Shared select Time Capsule disk
>>> 3. Then click  "Data". 
>>> 4.Launch Terminal, then type these commands:
>>> cd /Volumes/Data
>>> ls
>>> That's a lower-case letter "L" at the beginning of that last command. 
>>> You should see all your "sparsebundle" volumes.
>>> Then type this command (including a trailing space) but do NOT yet press 
>>> "return":
>>> sudo rm -rf 
>>> 5. Now open the "Data" volume. Drag the "sparsebundle" file you want to 
>>> delete from the "Data" volume's Finder window to the Terminal window. 
>>> This should cause the path and name of the volume you want to delete to be 
>>> copied into the Terminal window. 
>>> 6. Now select the Terminal window. 
>>> Double-check that the correct "sparsebundle" file is in the command, then 
>>> press "return". 
>>> You'll be prompted for your administrative password.
>>> As a general rule, if you are manipulating file/folder names with "special" 
>>> characters, the whole file/folder name should be double quoted.
>>> Dragging the file from a Finder window to the Terminal adds double quotes 
>>> as needed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 05/08/2012, at 12:36 PM, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi Carlo, thanks for persevering with me. I did the Disk verify and 
>>>> permissions repair - there was one identified issue to do with a group 
>>>> code being wrong - not sure if that relates to my problem or not. In any 
>>>> case it is now repaired. At this point I have tried with Terminal to 
>>>> delete the User's.sparesbundle from all 3 MB's independently and each of 
>>>> them replies after step 2 below with "-bash: :$ command not found". So I 
>>>> can't delete with terminal at the moment. However, the order of steps is 
>>>> slightly altered when compared with your earlier instructions in that I 
>>>> did the OSX install prior to the disk verify/repair steps. Does this 
>>>> matter?
>>>> Still unable to delete the sparesebundle and also unable to mount the time 
>>>> machine disc image.
>>>> I think you indicated earlier there is an instal process to fix the "bash" 
>>>> issue I am having.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Pete...
>>>> On 05/08/2012, at 12:05 PM, cm wrote:
>>>>> Just for reference sake, here is the process you can try to delete the 
>>>>> sparse bundle. Note if you can't do this from your 9yo's computer you can 
>>>>> try it from one of the other computers.
>>>>> 1) In Finder mount the Time Capsule by clicking on it in the Finder 
>>>>> sidebar. Navigate to the Data directory but no need to do anything 
>>>>> further in Finder.
>>>>> 2) In Terminal now do the following
>>>>> $ cd /Volumes/Data
>>>>> 3) At this point type
>>>>> $ ls -l
>>>>> and you should see User's.sparsebundle or whatever it is called
>>>>> 4) Still in terminal type
>>>>> $ sudo rm -rf <sparse bundle name>
>>>>> Where <sparse bundle name> is the name from step 3)
>>>>> Good luck!
>>>>> Carlo
>>>>> On 05/08/2012, at 11:56 , cm <cm200...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Pete,
>>>>>> My hosting service seems to be temporarily offline so pardon the posting 
>>>>>> from a older email address.
>>>>>> Things seem to have got away from you a little. You had successfully 
>>>>>> applied the update to 10.5.4. At that point you had a working computer 
>>>>>> with all your data! I personally would not have wiped the data as there 
>>>>>> is little benefit to a clean install if you intend to use data migration 
>>>>>> assistant to bring all the cruft back.
>>>>>> To take stock, you now have a working computer albeit with no data an a 
>>>>>> non functioning Time Machine. So to try to get back on track, perhaps 
>>>>>> you could proceed as follows:
>>>>>> 1) Attempt the earlier process where you use Terminal.app to delete the 
>>>>>> unused sparse bundle on your Time Capsule.
>>>>>> 2) If that works and you get Time Machine functioning, do a Time Machine 
>>>>>> backup just to kick things off, even though none of your valuable data 
>>>>>> will be included in the backup at this point
>>>>>> 3) Use data migration assistant to bring back your data.
>>>>>> 4) Do another Time Machine backup -- this time with you data.
>>>>>> Let us know what you choose to do and how it goes.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>>> Re: Time Machine backup
>>>>>>> Peter Crisp
>>>>>>> Sat, 04 Aug 2012 19:23:39 -0700
>>>>>>> Ok, just about reached end of the line for options. 
>>>>>>> What I did was load the OSX disc for System update only to 10.5.4 and 
>>>>>>> then test 
>>>>>>> to see if Time Machine could mount the volume- no go.
>>>>>>> Then my objective was to do a clean instal from the 10.5.4 OSX disc, 
>>>>>>> but as it 
>>>>>>> was already the same OSX version, I was not presented with the option 
>>>>>>> to do a 
>>>>>>> clean instal. So I did Software Update to up version to 10.5.8 which it 
>>>>>>> did but 
>>>>>>> took 5 hours through the night.
>>>>>>> I tried the Time Machine process again- no good.
>>>>>>> So, go the full Monty. Clean instal back to 10.5.4. Still no Time 
>>>>>>> Machine image 
>>>>>>> mount. Some observations though which might jog someone's memory. In 
>>>>>>> the Change 
>>>>>>> Disc dialogue box of TM I have 3 items. 
>>>>>>> Item 1 is an icon of the Time Capsule with a green picture with an 
>>>>>>> analogue 
>>>>>>> clock face.
>>>>>>> Item 2 is an icon of the Time Capsule with a blue picture of 3 people 
>>>>>>> holding 
>>>>>>> hands.
>>>>>>> Item 3 says None but has a red circle with a red diagonal line through 
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>> But item 3 has been there for ages, well before introducing Tim's 
>>>>>>> MacBook to 
>>>>>>> the TC.
>>>>>>> Item 2 is the one I pick normally on Jo's MacBook and it works fine. 
>>>>>>> Another observation, when looking at Time Machine window on Tim's 
>>>>>>> MacBook it 
>>>>>>> states name as Name: Time Capsule and Available 525.4GB of 929.5GB. On 
>>>>>>> SWMBOs 
>>>>>>> MacBook, same window says Name: Time Capsule (Joannes-Time-Capsule) and 
>>>>>>> Available: 564.11GB of 998.06GB.
>>>>>>> It seems like there are 2 volumes or images, I really don't know what 
>>>>>>> to do 
>>>>>>> next.
>>>>>>> I haven't migrated Tim's data back in yet, to save me wasting time and 
>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>> protect it until its all settled.
>>>>>>> I had read somewhere that Time Capsule uses the MAC address to 
>>>>>>> recognise a 
>>>>>>> machine, in doing a clean instal the MAC address doesn't change (i 
>>>>>>> think) and 
>>>>>>> so it is still attempting to do the same as I was trying 3 days ago. As 
>>>>>>> same 
>>>>>>> MAC address means same machine to the TC. Can I change the MAC address? 
>>>>>>> Is 
>>>>>>> there a plist file somewhere I can blow away to kick start it from 
>>>>>>> scratch?
>>>>>>> WCE performance was icing on the cake last night but the rowers did a 
>>>>>>> great job!
>>>>>>> Any tips?
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Pete
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