I go to the USA each year and have some thoughts for you. For details feel free 
to email me off list.

Answers in text

> If when I get there and I call up the App Store for local relevant apps with 
> any of these devices, will it seek the Aus store or the US store and does it 
> matter anyway?

I use USA store all the time but it probably doesn't matter. You probably don't 
need lots of local apps anyway.
> How do I charge? Shall I eBay some US plugged chargers? Use car adaptor of 
> cigarette point which I already have.

All of you apple gear will work wi a low cost adapter from a travel store.
> I also have a DSLR camera and I'll be taking lots of photos. It has a 32GB SD 
> card in it and I want to do some backing up of the images whilst in transit. 
> I have an SD to iPad adaptor, so importing to one or more of the iPads might 
> serve as back up storage, or I could simply place onto a MEM stick if I use a 
> computer at a Internet cafe from the SD. I'm hoping not to have to cart any 
> of our MacBooks.

I would recommend a cloud based service like drop box or the brilliant eye fi 
cards which not only download wirelessly but also have a back up option.

I have seen some hard drive-to-camera gear but haven't used it and think it can 
get lost as well as the cloud is safer for storage.

I don't know what you are doing about getting sims and mobile phones but it is 
really cheap to get a phone from virginmobileusa.com or purchase form 
RadioShack. Unlimited data and text and calls for about $60/month no plan. 
(Though data is good for text browsing only)

They also offer a mi fi device which might come in handy for the family. I put 
it in my handbag and would have it on all the time in case I wanted to make a 
Skype call in the run.

Hope this is helpful.
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